Monday, May 4, 2020

Taking Online Course (Part 4): Got another Financial Aid from Coursera (TWO, ACTUALLY!)

Hi, guys! So today, I will talk about the new courses I'll be taking in Coursera. I am very excited to take them because of my interest in the current global situations with regards to climate change and our resources.

I received the notification that I got in for free last April 28. It was kinda cool because I just finished my course in International Energy the other day, April 27. I was in forced leave for the most part of the week due to our company directives so I don't really mind studying for a little bit. Well, that's me. I love learning new things that'll be useful for me and the society I am living in.

As I mentioned, I got two financial aids. These sort of 'scholarship' are for these courses  that I am about to take:
1. Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries from the University of Cape Town in South Africa; and, 
2. Water Resources Management and Policy from the University of Geneva in Switzerland

I don't really know how to express my delight in having this opportunity to take new courses with Financial Aid because, damn, I can't really afford them right now.

I'll update you regarding my progresses in these courses and I'll let you accompany me. If you're interested in learning new things as well, try Coursera.

Hasta la proxima.

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