Thursday, May 21, 2020

Geology Board Exam Reviewer - GOP The Philippines: A Complex Plate Boundary Quiz Set E

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 24, 2020. Thank you.

Geology of the Philippines

The Philippines: A Complex Plate Boundary

Set E


1. This is an elongated bathymetric depression that reaches depths of 5,100 m in the latitude of Manila.

a. Manila Trench

b. Cotabato Trench

c. Philippine Trench

d. Negros Trench


2. It represents an active orogenic belt resulting from the collision of the western edge of the Philippine Sea Plate and the continental margin of Eurasia.

a. Taiwan

b. Mindoro-Panay

c. Moluccas Sea

d. Palawan Microcontinental Block


3. This lithologic unit in the Philippines can be divided into two categories of, (1) pre-Cretaceous of continental origin and, (2) Cretaceous of insular arc affinity.

a. Metamorphic rocks

b. Ophiolites and ophiolitic rocks

c. Magmatic rocks and active volcanic arcs

d. Sedimentary basins


4. The origins and mode of emplacement of these rocks are still the subject of controversy.

a. Metamorphic rocks

b. Ophiolites and ophiolitic rocks

c. Magmatic rocks and active volcanic arcs

d. Sedimentary basins


5. It represents the morphological expression of the subduction of the oceanic crust of the South China Sea under the Luzon Arc.

a. Manila Trench

b. Cotabato Trench

c. Philippine Trench

d. Negros Trench


6. A structure that plays significant role in the Neogene tectonic evolution of the Philippine Archipelago.

a. Philippine Mobile Belt

b. Philippine Fault

c. Philippine Trench

d. East Luzon Trough


7. A well-developed accretionary prism exists for this east-dipping subduction zone.

a. Manila Trench

b. Cotabato Trench

c. Philippine Trench

d. Negros Trench


8. Characterized by the transformation of the subduction of the South China Sea Plate under the Luzon Arc.

a. Taiwan

b. Mindoro-Panay

c. Moluccas Sea

d. Palawan Microcontinental Block


9. The age of the rocks belonging to this metamorphic group does not extend beyond Paleogene.

a. pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks of continental origin

b. Cretaceous metamorphic rocks of insular arc affinity


10. The corresponding volcanic arc of this structure does not exist.

a. Manila Trench

b. Cotabato Trench

c. Philippine Trench

d. East Luzon Trough

Answer key is here. I advise that you check it out after finishing all sets.



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