Thursday, May 7, 2020

Historical Geology Quiz Set C (Geology Reviewer)

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 10, 2020. Thank you.

Historical Geology Quiz Set C


1. The Proterozoic Eon is distinct from the Archean due to the following characteristics except one:

a. Increase in abundance in komatiites and greenstone belts

b. Huge deposits of Banded Iron Formation (BIF)

c. Complex unicellular life

d. First multicellular life


2. The longest and most diverse era of the Phanerozoic.

a. Paleozoic

b. Mesozoic

c. Cenozoic

d. Precambrian


3. Supercontinent formed 1.6 Ga which is a fusion of Laurentia, Siberia and Baltica.

a. Pannotia

b. Gondwana

c. Columbia

d. Laurussia


4. Eon which means “visible life”

a. Hadean

b. Archean

c. Proterozoic

d. Phanerozoic


5. The only modern phylum with an adequate fossil record to appear after the Cambrian is the phylum ____________.

a. Deuterostomia

b. Bryozoa

c. Ecdysozoa

d. Lophotrochozoa


6. The birth of the Pacific Ocean can be traced back around _____ when Rodinia rifts apart.

a. 500 Ma

b. 550 Ma

c. 700 Ma

d. 750 Ma


7. During the Cambrian, inarticulate brachiopods showed the greatest diversity. Example/s of dominant Cambrian invertebrates with hard parts is/are:

a. trilobites

b. archaeocyathids

c. hyolithids

d. all of the above


8. The Pan-African Orogeny represents the assembly of another supercontinent known as ___________.

a. Pannotia

b. Gondwana

c. Columbia

d. Laurussia


9. The uppermost boundary of the _________ is the first appearance of the trace fossil Trichophycus pedum and thus the oldest biostratigraphically-determined boundary.

a. Marinoan

b. Tonian

c. Cryogenian

d. Ediacaran


10. During this period, most of the world’s land was collected into the southern supercontinent Gondwana.

a. Cambrian

b. Ordovician

c. Silurian

d. Devonian



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