Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Geology of the Philippines Quiz Set C (Geology Reviewer)

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 17, 2020. Thank you.

Geology of the Philippines Quiz Set C


1. The opening of the Other Basins is usually associated with a/an ____________ migration of the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the Philippine Sea Plate.

a. northward

b. eastward

c. westward

d. southward


2. This plate has no magnetic anomalies that would allow for the computation of its kinematics.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


3. This is a volcanic arc considered to be in its solfataric stage.

a. Cagayan de Sulu Ridge

b. Sulu-Zamboanga Arc

c. Celebes Sea Basin

d. North Palawan Block


4. This plate is presently subducting under the Eurasian Plate along the Java Trench.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


5. The absolute velocity of this plate with respect to hot spots is at 80 mm/yr.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


6. A 125 km-long rupture that stretches from Dingalan, Aurora to Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya is a result of a surface wave magnitude (Ms) ______ earthquake from the strike-slip movements along the NW segment of the Philippine Fault Zone and the Digdig Fault splay.

a. 7.5

b. 7.6

c. 7.7 (this is the moment magnitude, Mw)

d. 7.8 (The July 16, 1990 Luzon Earthquake Rupture; Phivolcs Article)


7. The trapped oceanic basins and back-arc basin models are generally distinguished as probable models for the origin of the _________________.

a. Parece Vela – Shikokiu Basin

b. Marianas Basin

c. West Philippine Basin

d. Ayu Basin


8. This plate is surrounded by subduction zones.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


9. This basin has a proposed two stages of opening (Pautot and others, 1986), where the first stage is between 32 and 17 Ma along an E-W axis followed by a second stage between 20 and 17 Ma along a NE-SW axis.

a. South China Sea

b. Sulu Sea

c. Celebes Sea

d. none the above


10. It could have split off from a previously larger Molucca Sea Plate.

a. Cagayan de Sulu Ridge

b. Sulu-Zamboanga Arc

c. Celebes Sea Basin

d. North Palawan Block



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