Friday, May 15, 2020

Geology of the Philippines Quiz Set F (Geology Reviewer)

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 17, 2020. Thank you.

Geology of the Philippines Quiz Set F


1. This divides the Sulu Sea Basin into two.

a. Cagayan de Sulu Ridge

b. Sulu-Zamboanga Arc

c. Celebes Sea Basin

d. North Palawan Block


2. The interaction between the Philippine Sea Plate and the southeastern edge of the Eurasian Plate created the _______________.

a. Bonin-Marianas-Yap Trench System

b. New Guinea insular arcs

c. Philippine Archipelago

d. Marianas Trench


3. Since ____, the mid-oceanic ridge separating the two continental blocks of India and Australia has become inactive.

a. 50 Ma

b. 43 Ma

c. 5 Ma

d. 3 Ma


4. This ridge is considered as a relict volcanic arc of Middle Eocene to Oligocene age.

a. Izu-Bonin

b. Palau-Kyushu

c. West-Marianas

d. Oki-Daito


5. The Pacific plate subducts under the ______________ along the Japan Trench.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


6. The oceanic basins of the Philippine Sea Plate are separated from each other by submarine ridges with axes generally oriented ___________.

a. N-S

b. E-W

c. NE-S

d. NW-S


7. This plate is composed of both continental and oceanic crust.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


8. The Pacific plate subducts under the ______________ along the Bonin-Marianas-Yap Trench System.

a. insular arcs

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


9. A poorly known portion on the southern extremity of the Philippine Sea Plate where oceanic accretion appears to be occurring.

a. Parece Vela – Shikokiu Basin

b. Marianas Basin

c. West Philippine Basin

d. Ayu Basin


10. This plate is colliding with a complex zone of insular arcs which have been active since the Mesozoic.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate



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