Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Geology of the Philippines Quiz Set D (Geology Reviewer)

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 17, 2020. Thank you.

Geology of the Philippines Quiz Set D


1. The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) 124 indicates that the _______________ was formed in an open ocean setting with a basalt characterized as N-MORB.

a. Cagayan de Sulu Ridge

b. Sulu-Zamboanga Arc

c. Celebes Sea Basin

d. North Palawan Block


2. The ___________ is basically composed of well individualized ocean basins with an average depth of 4 to 6 km.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


3. The rotation of this plate from a NNW to a WNW trajectory is presently manifested in the change of orientation of the Hawaiian-Emperor Islands volcanic chain.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


4. This plate undergone a major kinematic reorganization at around 43 Ma, which involves a 50-degree clockwise rotation with respect to hotspots.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


5. There are four major ridges in the Philippine Sea Plate. Which is not included?

a. Izu-Bonin

b. Palau-Kyushu

c. West-Marianas

d. Oki-Daito


6. The Philippine Sea Plate subducts under the ____________ in the east.

a. Bonin-Marianas-Yap Trench System

b. Nankai Trenches

c. Ryukyu Trenches

d. Philippine Trench System


7. This bounds the Philippine archipelago to the NW.

a. South China Sea

b. Sulu Sea

c. Celebes Sea

d. Palawan Microcontinental Block


8. This represents an oceanic crust and its magnetic anomalies indicate an Eocene age.

a. Cagayan de Sulu Ridge

b. Sulu-Zamboanga Arc

c. Celebes Sea Basin

d. North Palawan Block


9. This plate is basically continental in nature except for the marginal basins along its edges.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


10. This ridge divides the West Philippine Basin from the Parece Vela – Shikoku Basin.

a. Izu-Bonin

b. Palau-Kyushu

c. West-Marianas

d. Oki-Daito


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