Sunday, May 10, 2020

Geology of the Philippines Quiz Set A (Geology Reviewer)

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 17, 2020. Thank you.

Geology of the Philippines Quiz Set A


1. Due to its rather weak movement with respect to hot spots, most authors considered it fixed since 50 Ma.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


2. This ridge splits into two branches towards the south, namely, the West and East Marianas Ridges.

a. Izu-Bonin

b. Palau-Kyushu

c. West-Marianas

d. Oki-Daito


3. The opening of the China Sea resulted to the ________________.

a. creation of dense network of transform faults in the northern portion of South China Sea

b. dominance of normal faults oriented NE within South China Sea

c. immense accretion of sediments

d. separation of a microcontinental block from mainland China


4. This result from an opening whose mechanism is independent of any other processes.

a. rift basin

b. marginal basin

c. trapped basin

d. continental domain basin


5. The long axis of these basins is generally oriented N-S except _____________.

a. Parece Vela – Shikokiu Basin

b. Marianas Basin

c. West Philippine Basin

d. Ayu Basin


6. The absolute velocity of this plate with respect to hot spots is considered weak at only 3 mm/yr.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


7. The Marianas Basins corresponds to an oceanic crust which began spreading at _____ and is still presently active.

a. 4 Ma

b. 5 Ma

c. 6 Ma

d. 7 Ma


8. This plate’s three main kinematic parameters are computed with respect to Eurasia.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


9. It is manifested as a group of islands in which some are classified as Pleistocene-Holocene with one active volcano.

a. Cagayan de Sulu Ridge

b. Sulu-Zamboanga Arc

c. Celebes Sea Basin

d. North Palawan Block


10. This refers to an oceanic basin formed on the edge of a continental crust.

a. rift basin

b. marginal basin

c. forearc basin

d. strike-slip basin


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