Sunday, June 17, 2018


These are notes that I've kept during my review for the board exam. These came from AdU students, particularly the Top 6 (2017 Geology Board exam, I won't be mentioning names here) batch mates of mine. 


  • Prase - green chert
  • Lechatelierite - fused quartz by meteorite  (lumabas to nung second day!)
  • Fulgurite - quartz made by lightning 
  • Moldavite - green tektite

"The Philippine Geologist" - first name ng journal ng GSP
September 2, 1945 - foundation date ng GSP (kasabay ng 'VJ Day' or 'Victory over Japan' Day)
Founders: (1) Maj. Robert N. Williams (2) Dr. Jose M. Feliciano

First President ng GSP: Dr. Jose M. Feliciano
Original No. of Members: 62 (39 Americans, 1 Australian, 22 Pinoys)


Vertebrate fossils are commonly found in Pleistocene deposits in the Philippines. 

Notable discoveries include remains of Stegodon and Manouria (land tortoise) in Metro Manila (Schoell et al., 1991), elephants and Rhinoceros in Anda Peninsula, Iloilo and Cagayan Valley (Jocano, 1965; Bautista, 1995).

The tiger Panthera tigris fossil and Tabon Man in Palawan are some famous fossils defining the paleontology of the area.


Structural Geology (I think kay Top 6 E galing 'to)
Pasensya na sa mga pictures. Inayos ko lang din 'to ng kaunti kasi intense ang pagkakatype nito. PS. Mahirap gumawa nito sa work. :)

Duplex vs imbricate

Imbricate: series of thrust that branch from a lower detachment without merging into upper detachment

Duplex: yung mga thruts fault ay nagbranch from lower detachment to upper detachment

Fault related folds
1. Breakthrust folds: may folding event muna tas nagkaroon ng thrusting sa limb ng fold
2. Fault bend folds: nag move up yung hanging wall tas dun sa fault bend, nagfold siya (faulting b4 folding)
3. Fault propagation fold: may folding habang nagpopropagate yung fault. Unlike breakthrust na nagkafold muna bago nagkafault
4. Drape folds or force folds: parang monocline din ata to. Parang may blind fold sa ilalim (which is yung reactivated fault ng basement rock) tas nagmove yun, in response yung overlying sed w/c is not faulted is "malalaglag" kaya mafofold sila
5. Drag folds: old term to refer to fault related folds. sinasabi niya na nagkakaroon ng folding as response to drag w/c is not true kasi may break-thrust fold. Kaya obsolete term siya for fault-related folds

Additional KEMES
  • Schizosphere: seismically active region ng crust and yung lower boundary niya is yung brittle ductile transition
  • Tecnosphere: coupled lithosphere and asthenosphere. Kasi yung continental plate minsan may kasamang asthenosphere!!! Unlike oceanic plate which is pure oceanic lithosphere

Strength vs competency
  • Strength: stress that a material can support b4 failure. Quartzite, granite, basalt, limestone, marble, shale, anhydrite, salt. 
  • Competency: relative term to describe the resistance to flow. In sed rx with increasing competency: salt, shale, limestone, greywacke, sandstone, dolomite

in met/ig rx: schist, marble, quartzite, gneiss, granite, basalt (lumabas to sa exam ni CWM) Note: si quartzite "strongest" pero in terms of competecy,mas competent si basalt!!!

Failure stress vs yield stress
  • failure stress: yung stress na kung saan nagfail yung isang material by fracturing!!
  • Yield stress: eto yung stress na kung saan nag-start yung permanent strain (ex plastic or viscous). Magkaiba po ang failure saka permanent strain!!!
Note: Magkaiba talaga sila kasi sa magkaibang field ng deformation to ginagamit. Share lang. Brittle deformation yung isa, at yung isa, ductile.

Contractional vs extensional faults
  • Contractional: kumpara sa dating unfaulted block/ layer, ay mas umiksi siya after faulting. Dito nagkaroon ka ng repetetion of section. So parang reverse faulting
  • Extensional: humaba naman yung layer after faulting. May loss of section. So parang normal faulting
Note: hindi pag sinabing extensional fault is normal fault na agad saka pag contractional ay reverse na agad. Kasi pwedeng marotate si normal fault which is yung sense of slip niya will be reverse. Pero yung displacement niya is still extensional!!

Pag sinabing back arc region hindi ibig sabihin nun ay back arc basin agad agad! 
3 Types

1. Contractional back-arc or andean type. Dito imbis na basin ay fold thrust belt makikita mo sa likod ng arc. Dito mas mabilis yung pag-advanced ng overriding plate kesa sa pag-atras ng trench (trench rollback)
2. Extensional back-arc or mariana type. Dito na yung may back arc basin. Mas mabilis na umaatras si trench) kesa kay overriding plate kaya ang ending napupunit si overriding plate kasi di niya mahabol habol si trench. 
3. Stable back-arc or Japan type: walang ganap kasi walang strain accumulation. Parehas lang yung velocities ni rollback saka ng pagadvance ni overriding plate
--------------------------------- Marginal sea (back arc basin underlain by oceanic crust)
Retroarc basin-back arc basin lang din!
Exotic vs accreted vs suspect terrane
  • exotic at accreted terrane, basically iisa lang. ibig sabihin nanggaling pa sa ibang lupalop yung terrane bago siya kumabit. 
  • Suspect terrane: hindi alam origin kung exotic ba o hindi, kaya suspect kasi kahinahinala. Pag nalamang exotic siya, exotic terrane na tawag!!

Foreland vs hinterland

Hinterland: eto yung gitna ng orogen o yung bundok mismo
Foreland:ito yung gilid gilid lang ng craton. Ibig sabihin di siya deformed.
Note: foreland basin vs fore arc basin.

  • Yung aulochton sa thrust is parang hanging wall din yun! Kasi sila yung transported. 
  • Tas tawag din sa hanging wall is thrust slice or thrust sheet
  • Yung klippe, eroded thrust slice na napapaligiran ng footwall. 
  • Yung window naman, naerode yung thrust sheet tas naexpose si footwall (footwall napapalibutan ni hanging wall)

Emergent vs exhumed vs blind fault
  • emergent: intersect the ground surface while it was still active
  • exhumed: inactive fault na naexpose because of erosion
  • blind: mga di nagpapakita pero it doesnt mean na inactive or active sila

Caution about flat and ramp:
  • flat: ito yung fault that parallels the bedding
  • ramp: fault that "cut" the bedding
Yung flat and ramp, relative term sila. Ex, sa geom ng fault bend fold, yung ramp dun is ramp siya with respect to footwall ( kasi di siya parallel sa bedding) pero flat siya with respect to hanging wall kasi parallel siya sa bedding ng hanging wall!!!
Lineament vs lineation vs foliation
  • lineament: linear feature recognized on aerial photos. Regional scale features ( ex faults)
  • lineation and foliation are fabrics!
  • lineation: linear fabrics
  • foliation: planar fabrics (ex bedding plane, cleavage)

Symmetry principle or curie principle:
symmetry of the cause is equal or less than the symmetry of the effect. 
Halimbawa, may cube na sinubject ko into pure shear or coaxial de4mation, bale si cube magiging rectangular block na may orthorhombic symmetry. Ibig sabihin, yung symmetry nung strain path or cause is either orthorombic or monoclinic, kasi yung symmetry nung effect which is yung rectangular block ay orthorombic!!!!
Ang cataclastic flow is a ductile mechanism kasi walang mesoscopic fracture na nabubuo!!!!

Shear mode joints vs shear fracture
  • shear mode fractures: sila yung mode 2 and 3. They cannot grow on their own plane!!
  • Shear fractures: fracture na nagmove so basically fault lang po sila. Shear fracture ay hindi pinalaking shear mod fracrture kasi yung shear fractures can grow on their own plane unlike shear mode fracrures!!!!

Fault scarp vs fault line scarp
  • fault scarp: tumaas na portion ng ground dahil sa displacement ng isang emergent dip slip fault. Eto yung misomng plane ng fault!
  • Fault line scarp: eroded fault scarp lang sila but di na sila yung mismong plane ng fault!!!

Ito naman, galing kay Top 6 A
GOP naman siya..
Super helpful sa Day 1

Cagayan ridge: separates NW Sulu sea and SE sulu sea.
Sulu Ridge: Sulu Sea basin and Celebes Sea
Palawan Ridge: sulu sea basin and south china sea basin

Age of south china sea
Spreading: oligocene to mid miocene
Rifting: late cretaceous and late eocene
Subducted beneath manila trench in early miocene

Philippine trench: between bicol peninsula and talaud islands south of mindanao. 20N to 14N latitudes
Shikoku basin: thickest sediment cover among the basins of PSP

Faults sa extrusion tectonics:
  • Red river fault: left lateral dati, right na ngayon
  • Altyn Tagh: presently, yung major fault for extrusion

  • Daguma range: northern extension of the proto sunda sulawesi arc
  • Legaspi lineament: ito lang ata yung fault that intersects the philippine trench and philippine fault. And syempre it connects the philippine trench and philippine fault
  • Lake bato:patunay na active siya
  • Philippine fault: younging toward the south
  • Coast range: extension ng north luzon ridge sa taiwan
  • Longitudinal range: suture bet Philippines and Taiwan


  1. Thank you for this ma'am Yin :)) hoping lalabas to this November 2022 board exam :)))

    1. Paramihan ng nabasa and syempre, paramihan ng natatandaan by heart. Good luck.
