Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Historical Geology Quiz Set A (Geology Reviewer)

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 10, 2020. Thank you.

Historical Geology Quiz Set A

1. The closest living creature to a mammal during the Triassic is the ______________.

a. pseudosuchians

b. ornithosuchos

c. rhyncosaurs

d. dicynodonts

2. The ‘Great Unconformity’ in the Grand Canyon consisted of _____ gone in the entire geologic history.

a. 10%

b. 15%

c. 20%

d. 25%

3. The Wrangelian Eruption is a huge burst of volcanic eruption activity that happened in portions of Alaska and British Columbia 235 MYA. How long did it last?

a. 3 million years

b. 5 million years

c. 7 million years

d. 9 million years

4. The Proterozoic Eon saw the rise and fall of at least three (3) suoercontinents. The last one is the supercontinent of ___________.

a. Pangea

b. Pannotia

c. Rodinia

d. Panthalassa

5. Prior to the Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) 234 MYA ago, what is the percentage of dinosaurs among the living species during the Triassic?

a. 5%

b. 10%

c. 15%

d. 20%

6. This continent is the core of North America and Greenland formed at 1.8 Ga.

a. Baltica

b. Atlantica

c. Laurentia

d. Nena

7. The Wrangelian Eruption’s outcrop is known to be ______ thick.

a. 5km

b. 6km

c. 7km

d. 8km

8. A 2019 study entitled the, “Neoproterozoic Glacial Origin of the Great Unconformity” uses ______ isotopes to prove that widespread glaciation came first before the erosion that causes the Great Unconformity.

a. uranium

b. carbon

c. hafnium

d. lutetium

9. The Wet Intermezzo or the Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) lasted for ______ million years.

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

10. The oldest of the known Snowball Earth event is the ___________.

a. Huronian Glaciations

b. Great Oxidation Event

c. Makganyene Event

d. Kenoran Oregeny


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