Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Historical Geology Quiz Set B (Geology Reviewer)

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 10, 2020. Thank you.

Historical Geology Quiz Set B


1. In which era of the Proterozoic Eon has the greatest evidence of Superglaciation?

a. Paleoproterozoic

b. Mesoproterozoic

c. Neoproterozoic

d. None of the above


2. Period where complex life really starts to diversify.

a. Ediacaran

b. Cambrian

c. Tonian

d. Ectasian


3. The ‘Great Unconformity’ in the Grand Canyon is coined by the American Geologist, Clarence Dutton, in __________.

a. 1880

b. 1881

c. 1882

d. 1883


4. Some of the oldest known tillites of the Paleoproterozoic glacial deposits on striations is the ___________.

a. Bruce Formation

b. Pongola Supergroup

c. Huronian Formation

d. Gowganda Formation


5. The Tapeats Sandstone lies unconformably on top of the ______________.

a. Grand Canyon Supergroup

b. Vishnu Schist

c. Redwall Limestone

d. Muav Limestone


6. This is the period in Paleoproterozoic Era which is characterized of streams of lava at 2.30 Ga to 2.05 Ga.

a. Statherian Period

b. Orosirian Period

c. Rhyacian Period

d. Siderian Period


7. The __________ orogeny is the oldest known evidence of major orogeny and is the Archean-Proterozoic boundary.

a. Kenoran Orogeny

b. Wopmay Orogeny

c. Kibaran Orogeny

d. Humboldt Orogeny


8. The Mesoproterozoic Era is divided into three (3) periods with arbitrarily defined boundaries. Which period is named after “narrowing” which described the narrow belts of intense metamorphism and deformation such as the Grenville Orogeny?

a. Stennian

b. Ectasian

c. Calymmian

d.  Rhyacian


9. At the end of the Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE), there is a proliferation of giant plants which resulted to the apparent extinction of short-legged herbivores and therefore, their predator as well. This resulted to the reign of the dinosaurs which consisted _______ of the living creatures during those time.

a. 60%

b. 70%

c. 80%

d. 90%


10. There are at least three (3) known cycles of glaciations that have happened during the Neoproterozoic. The youngest of the three is the __________.

a. Sturtian

b. Marinoan

c. Gaskiers

d. Cryogenian

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