Friday, May 8, 2020

Historical Geology Quiz Set D (Geology Reviewer)

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 10, 2020. Thank you.

Historical Geology Quiz Set D


1. This continent was formed at 2.5 Ga and includes various northern and central Canadian, Greenland and Siberian cratons.

a. Arctica

b. Baltica

c. Atlantica

d. Laurentia


2. This period in the Mesoproterozoic Era characterized the “extension” of both platforms and of the beginnings of the rifting events at 1.60 – 1.40 Ga.

a. Statherian

b. Calymmian

c. Ectasian

d. Stennian


3. This is a failed rift that had the potential to split Laurentia in two but did not finish the job.

a. East African Rift

b. Keweenawan Rift

c. Reelfoot Rift

d. Narmada Rift


4. This is a 16-km thick sequence in western North America deposited from 1.45 to 0.85 Ga and is a huge filled-in down-warped basin of western Laurentia.

a. Transvaal Supergroup

b. Karoo Supergroup

c. Vindhyan Supergroup

d. Belt Supergroup


5. The atmosphere by the end of the Proterozoic is believed to have _____ of oxygen as opposed to about 1% atmospheric oxygen content at the end of the Archean.

a. 7%

b. 8%

c. 9%

d. 10%


6. Fossils from ____________ looks as if they show cells dividing.

a. Roper Group, Northern Australia

b. Bitter Springs Formation, Australia

c. Ruyang Group, North China

d. Doushantou Formation, China


7. The main index fossils for the Proterozoic.

a. chromista

b. coccolithophorids

c. acritarchs

d. diatoms


8. The oldest definite kelps prior to the ones in the Cenozoic.

a. phaeophytes

b. rhodophytes

c. charophytes

d. glaucophytes


9. First thought to be animal embryos and eggs but later studies show these are most likely a phosphatized clusters of cells or cysts of protist-grade eukaryotes rather than animals is found in __________________.

a. Roper Group, Northern Australia

b. Bitter Springs Formation, Australia

c. Ruyang Group, North China

d. Doushantou Formation, China


10. This is apparently an early mollusk or mollusk-relative; known from impressions of its foot and probable grazing marks.

a. Vendobionts

b. Kimberella

c. Cloudina

d. Namacalathus


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