Monday, May 18, 2020

Geology Board Exam Reviewer - GOP The Philippines: A Complex Plate Boundary Quiz Set B

As I can't really commit to a 100-item practice set, I'll do quizzes of specific course subject of Geology.
Answer key will be provided on May 24, 2020. Thank you.

Geology of the Philippines

The Philippines: A Complex Plate Boundary

Set B


1. The Manila Trench-Luzon Arc system passes into the __________________.

a. Taiwan

b. Mindoro-Panay

c. Moluccas Sea

d. Palawan Microcontinental Block


2. This metamorphic group is characterized petrographically by the abundance of silica.

a. pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks of continental origin

b. Cretaceous metamorphic rocks of insular arc affinity


3. The ______________ arc is well defined only from Bicol to Leyte but cannot be traced in Eastern Mindanao.

a. Luzon

b. East-Philippine

c. Negros-Panay

d. Sulu-Zamboanga

e. Cotabato


4. An east-dipping subduction zone that runs parallel to the western coasts of Panay and Negros Islands.

a. Manila Trench

b. Cotabato Trench

c. Philippine Trench

d. Negros Trench


5. The southern closure of this structure is still poorly known.

a. Philippine Mobile Belt

b. Philippine Fault

c. Philippine Trench

d. East Luzon Trough


6. The boundary of between the _________________ and the eastern margin of the ______________ is a complex system of subduction zones, collision zones and marginal sea basin openings.

a. Philippine Sea Plate, Pacific Plate

b. Philippine Sea Plate, Indo-Australian Plate

c. Philippine Sea Plate, Eurasian Plate

d. Eurasian Plate, Pacific Plate


7. This represent a continent-arc collision.

a. Taiwan

b. Mindoro-Panay

c. Moluccas Sea

d. Palawan Microcontinental Block


8. The rotation and spreading of this plate during Eocene to Miocene times is the reason for the present position of the Philippine Mobile Belt.

a. Pacific Plate

b. Eurasian Plate

c. Indo-Australian Plate

d. Philippine Sea Plate


9. These lithologic units represent the pre-Tertiary basement of the Philippines.

I. Metamorphic rocks

II. Ophiolites and ophiolitic rocks

III. Magmatic rocks and active volcanic arcs

IV. Sedimentary basins


a. I & II

b. II & III

c. III & IV

d. I & III


10. The presence of these that cannot be associated with any of the active subduction zones indicates the evolution of the Philippine archipelago through continuous volcanic activity throughout the Cenozoic.

a. Metamorphic rocks

b. Ophiolites and ophiolitic rocks

c. Magmatic rocks and active volcanic arcs

d. Sedimentary basins

Answer key is here. I advise that you check it out after finishing all sets.





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