Saturday, May 9, 2020

Resource Material - Historical Geology (Proterozoic and Phanerozoic Eon)

Hi, guys!

So I'll cut the 'Quiz Series' re: Historical Geology for now. 

For additional information and terrific reading materials, you can check these websites:

- This is a great source of anything related to the Proterozoic Eon. A very helpful site.

Some helpful videos regarding the eon's geology and paleontology are the following:

How Volcanoes Froze the Earth (TWICE)

How Earth's First Unkillable Animals Saved the World

When the Earth was Purple

That Time Oxygen Almost Killed Everything

How Two Microbes Changed History

The University of California - Berkeley Museum of Paleontology is also very helpful particularly their online Legacy Exhibits in Tour of Geologic Time.

I hope you'll find these resources helpful. Please wait for more geology-related quizzes.

Hasta la proxima.

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