Saturday, May 2, 2020

Studying + Working in Europe

Last Saturday, May 2, I attended a webinar hosted by professionals and students currently studying and/or working in Europe. 

It's kinda inspiring to see actual people living my dreams because it tells me that it's possible. For the longest time, I've been dreaming about that kind of opportunity and I think now is the best time to pursue it and work for it.

They mostly talk about all the things they've encountered along the way like applying to several schools before actually being accepted to one, thinking about the money that they will need in order to move to Europe, asking themselves if their grades are enough, and if they themselves are enough. I'm kinda romanticizing this but you get the gist. They are normal people, just like you and I, who had a dream and moved towards achieving them.

For starters, schools in Europe are basically free. Education for them is a top priority, one of the reasons that European countries are progressive and developed already. They have such high regards on learning which can give their citizens the sets of skills they need in order for them to flourish and be a useful citizen of their countries.

Not gonna lie, I'm in the middle of a spell in which I can't really write well but I'll add more regarding this on my next post.

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