Monday, November 1, 2021

Tagaytay Staycation 2021 [Soft ver]

About a month ago, I realized that I am beyond burned out with life, in general, and by the fragilities of my so called "friendship" with fickle people. Since the 1st of November is a holiday, I told myself that I should really go out of town and see a different view other than the skyscrapers and tall-ass buildings here in the metro. I reserved a room in Tagaytay and waited for the 30th.

All in all, the trip was fine. There's a lot of things that I can complain about but I feel like most of them were because of me and my unpreparedness. My trip involved a lot of walking, lying down on a big bed while watching old Filipino action movies, pigging out on foods that are not really good for my diet and being really sleepy and disappointed that it's not cold enough for my liking

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