Wednesday, August 21, 2024

[Geology] Mock Board Exam - Petrology and Mineralogy Part 2

Note: Hi, guys! Publishing practice questionaires WITH NO ANSWER KEYS at the moment. Hopefully, this would be beneficial for all the takers of the Geologist Licensure Exam this year. Good luck and share it as much as you want. Regards!

Petrology and Mineralogy
Mock Exam
Part 2

1. The following comprise carbonate rocks except:
a. sparite 
b. micrite 
c. allochems 
d. biolithic elements 
e. none of the above

2. Mineralogical scheme based on the percentage of minerals based either on megascopic or microscopic  observations is referred to as: 

a. modal 
b. norm 
c. petrographic analysis 
d. petrochemical scheme 
e. none of the above

3. Igneous rocks containing grains that are too small to be resolved optically but are visible with an  electron microscope and can be identified by XRD are/have:

a. microcrystalline 
b. cryptocrystalline 
c. intersertal textures 
d. intergranular textures 
e. none of the above

4. The following can be a protolith of greenschist except: 

a. phyllite 
b. chert 
c. basalt 
d. slate 
e. none of the above 

5. Particle with phi size between 4 to -1 are considered as:

a. boulder 
b. cobble 
c. pebble 
d. sand 
e. silt 

6. Plutonic rock made up of 75% clinopyroxene and 25% orthopyroxene.

a. wehrlite 
b. harzburgite 
c. websterite 
d. lherzolite 
e. none of the above

7. What is the term for a metamorphic texture where prismatic grains with preferred orientations  predominate: 

a. nematoblastic 
b. lepidoblastic 
c. granoblastic 
d. poikiloblastic 
e. basaltoophitic

8. In optically ______________ uniaxial crystals, subtraction occurs at right angles to the direction of  the slow ray in the accessory.  

a. positive 
b. negative 
c. neutral

9. “Black jack” refers to: 

a. galena 
b. sphalerite 
c. bornite 
d. siderite 
e. none of the above 

10. An igneous texture that develops by hydration of obsidian on fracture surfaces that are exposed to  moisture in the atmosphere or to meteoric water is called: 

a. spherulitic texture 
b. perlitic texture 
c. pegmatitic texture 
d. seriate texture 
e. none of the above

11. Parallel to subparallel alignment of minerals produce this texture in igneous rocks.

a. Seriate 
b. Glomeroporphyritic 
c. Trachytic 
d. cumulophyric 
e. none of the above

12. A rudite composed of poorly sorted, mud to gravel-size sediment, commonly with angular clasts is  called: 

a. paraconglomerate 
b. breccias 
c. diamictite 
d. orthoconglomerate 
e. none of the above 

13.  Thick chert deposits are usually formed in:

a. marine environment above the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) 
b. marine environment below the CCD 
c. lacustrine environment 
d. paludal environment 
e. none of the above

14. Large clinopyroxenes partially to completely enclose smaller euhedral plagioclase define this texture  in igneous rocks:

a. ophitic 
b. subophitic 
c. pilotaxitic 
d. poikilitic 

15. Clast-supported conglomerates are also referred to as:

A. oligomictic conglomerates 
b. polymictic conglomerates 
c. orthoconglomerate 
d. paracongglomerate 
e. none of the above 

16. Particle with -6 to -8 phi size is:

a. Pebble 
b. Cobble 
c. Boulder 
d. Silt 
e. Sand

17. Volcanic rock made up of 70% orthoclase and 30% plagioclase.

a. trachyte 
b. rhyolite 
c. latite 
d. andesite 
e. none of the above

18. The crystal is ______if it is bounded entirely or almost entirely by crystal faces formed by growth in  situ: 

a. xenoblastic 
b. porphyroblastic 
c. poikiloblastic 
d. idioblastic 
e. none of the above

19. An optical property determined in thin section by the Becke Line test.
a. relief 
b. oblique illumination 
c. birefringence 
d. index of refraction 
e. none of the above 

20. Which among the minerals do not contain nickel as a cation?

a. pentlandite 
b. millerite 
c. nickeline 
d. chloanthite 
e. none of the above

21. An igneous texture defined by spherical to ellipsoidal clusters of radiating fibrous alkali feldspars and  a polymorph of SiO2 as a result from devitrification is called: 

a. spherulitic texture 
b. myrmekitic texture 
 c. intergranular texture 
d. perlitic texture 
e. none of the above 

22. An igneous fabric wherein glass shards and pumice lapilli are flattened by compaction into disks  oriented more or less parallel to the depositional surface. 

a. pilotaxitic 
b. seriate 
c. eutaxitic 
d. trachytic 
e. none of the above

23. The Wentworth Scale is only used to classify clastic sedimentary rocks. This statement is: 

a. true 
b. false 
c. not necessarily true

24. Concentrically laminated carbonate structures of less than2 mm diameter are called: 

a. oolites 
b. pisolites 
c. oncolites 
d. peloids 
e. none of the above

25. This refers to the cumulative changes that particles go through as it is produced by weathering and is transported to a final site of deposition.

a. sorting 
b. sphericity 
c. maturity 
d. diagenesis 
e. none of the above

26. Quartz arenite will likely become this rock when metamorphosed:
a. chert 
b. quartzite 
c. chlorite schist 
d. quartz muscovite schist 
e. none of the above 

27. Texture typical of basalt and consists of randomly oriented microlitic plagioclases and abundant, more  equant pyroxenes, Fe-Ti and in some rocks, olivines that form a tightly interlocking mosaic.

a. intergranular 
b. felsitic 
c. intersertal 
d. ophitic 
e. subophitic

28. Metamorphic texture defined by equidimensional generally xenoblastic crystals of approximately  equal size: 

a. nematoblastic 
b. lepidoblastic 
c. granoblastic 
d. lepidoblastic 
e. poikiblastic

29. Which among the minerals do not contain manganese as a cation? 

a. Rhodonite 
b. Romanechite 
c. Rhodochrosite 
d. Pyrolusite 
e. none of the above 

30. Wurtzite is a polymorph of _____________.

a. Sphalerite 
b. Galena 
c. Tridymite 
d. Siderite 
e. Molybdenite 

31. Which of the following minerals cannot occur as cement in sedimentary rocks? 

a. quartz 
b. calcite 
c. clay 
d. iron oxide 
e. none of the above

32. Igneous rocks containing 45-52% silica fall under this igneous rock classification.

a. felsic 
b. intermediate 
c. mafic 
d. ultramafic 
e. none of the above 

33. The following diagenetic processes occur in sandstones except:

a. compaction and pressure dissolution 
b. silica cementation 
c. hematite pigmentation 
d. clay authigenesis 
e. none of the above

34. Igneous rocks having 30 to 60% dark minerals are classified based on color index as : 

a. leucocratic 
b. melanocratic 
c. mesocratic 
d. hypermelanic 
e. none of the above

35. The following can be a protolith of gneiss except: 

a. schist 
b. slate 
c. phyllite 
d. shale 
e. none of the above

36. If the ray vibrating in the principal plane is the slow ray, the uniaxial crystal is said to be: 

a. positive 
b. negative 
c. no conclusion can be drawn

37. Fragments of melt that quenched to glass are called:

a. vitroclasts 
b. accidental clasts 
c. cognate clasts 
d. b and c 
e. none of the above

38. The cumulative changes that particles go through as it is produced by weathering and is transported to  a final site of deposition are a reflection of rock’s ________.

a. degree of sorting 
b. degree of weathering 
c. maturity 
d. sphericity 
e. none of the above 

39. Plutonic rock made up of 50% quartz, 15% plagioclase; 10% hornblende.

a. Quartz diorite 
b. Tonalite 
c. Granodiorite 
d. Quartz monzodiorite 
e. None of the above

40. The two broad black curves or brushes which mark the areas of extinction are known as: a. interference figures.

b. isogyres 
c. indicatrices 
d. isohyaths 
e. none of the above  

41. A term synonymous to anhedral shape of crystals.

a. xenomorphic 
b. hypidiomorphic 
c. subhedral 
d. b and c 
e. none of the above

42. Igneous rocks having less than 45% silica content are classified as: 

a. basic 
b. acidic 
c. ultrabasic 
d. intermediate 
e. none of the above

43.  Metamorphic facies with typical assemblage of labradorite + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + quartz  basic igneous rocks:

a. granulite 
b. blueschist 
c. eclogite 
d. greenschist 
e. none of the above

44. Which is NOT TRUE of carbonate rocks?

a. They are usually formed in areas far from siliciclastic sedimentation 
b. Most primary carbonate sediments form as biogenic particles 
c. Most carbonate production occurs as chemical or biochemical precipitation from clear, warm,  shallow water 
d. Chemical precipitation can produce non-skeletal carbonate grains of various sizes e. none of the above 

45.  _______are likely products of extended periods of sediment reworking.

a. quartz arenite 
b. arkosic arenite 
c. litharenite 
d. greywacke 
e. none of the above 


The optic sign of a biaxial mineral is conveniently determined with the mineral in the ____ position  with a quartz wedge: 

a. 45o 

b. 60o 

c. 30o 

d. 75o 

e. none of the above 


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