Tuesday, August 20, 2024

[Geology] Mock Board Exam - Petrology and Mineralogy Part 1

 Note: Hi, guys! Publishing practice questionaires WITH NO ANSWER KEYS at the moment. Hopefully, this would be beneficial for all the takers of the Geologist Licensure Exam this year. Good luck and share it as much as you want. Regards!

Petrology and Mineralogy
Mock Exam
Part 1

1. It has dogtooth flat hexagonal crystals with excellent cleavage, hardness of 3; sp. gr. 2.72;  colorless or white. Impurities show colors of yellow, orange, brown and green. Transparent to  opaque with vitreous or mill luster. Major constituents of limestone and react strongly in dilute  acid. 

a. Gypsum 
b. Calcite 
c. Mica 
d. Quartz

2. Coarse-grained igneous rocks consisting essentially of quartz (20-40%), alkali feldspar and very  common mica (biotite or muscovite), accessory minerals may be present including apatite, zircon  and magnesite. 

a. Rhyolite  
b. Gabbro 
c. Dunite 
d. Granite 

3. A coarse-grained plutonic intermediate rock consisting essentially of intermediate plagioclase  feldspar and one or more ferromagnesian minerals, quartz present in small amounts. 

a. Diorite 
b. Gabbro 
c. Basalt 
d. Granite 

4. The resistance of a mineral that can be hammered into thin sheets:

a. Sectile 
b. Ductile 
c. Malleable 
d. Brittle 

5. Which of the crystal forms is not part of the hexagonal system? 

a. Pedion 
b. Pinacoid 
c. Trigonal prism 
d. Rhombohedron 
e. None of the above 

6. Result of an emplacement of atoms or ions on the outside of a growing crystal in such a way that  the regular arrangement of the original crystal structures is interrupted: 

a. Growth twins 
b. Transformation twins 
c. Gliding twins 
d. Tartan twinning 
e. None of the above 

7.  Fine scales with divergent or featherlike structure:

a. Foliated 
b. Micaceous 
c. Tabular 
d. Plumose 
e. None of the above 

8. Type of fracture in minerals in which the fractures are jagged with sharp edges: 

a. Conchoidal 
b. Splintery 
c. Hackly 
d. Irregular 
e. None of the above 

9. This is the property of becoming luminous on being crushed, scratched or rubbed. 

a. Triboluminescence 
b. Thermoluminescence 
c. Fluorescence 
d. Phosphorescence 
e. none of the above

10. Symmetrical and parallel extinction are characteristic of : 

a. Orthorhombic crystals 
b. Triclinic crystals 
c. Monoclinic crystals 
d. Hexagonal 
e. None of the above 

11. The color of amethyst is attributed to the presence of trace amounts of : 

a. iron 
b. titanium 
c. aluminum 
d. nickel 
e. none of the above

12. An apple green chalcedony colored by nickel oxide: 

a. Carnelian 
b. Agate 
c. Bloodstone 
d. Chrysoprase 
e. None of the above

13. Microcline frequently has irregular and discontinuous bands crossing (001)  and (010) that result from the exsolution of albite. The intergrowth as whole is called: 

a. Perthite
b. Carlsbad twin 
c. Albite twin 
d. Graphic intergrowth 
e. None of the above

14. Plagioclase with An 30-50 is called:

a. Oligoclase 
b. Andesine 
c. Bytwonite 
d. Labradorite 
e. Albite 

15. It is an amorphous mineral that occurs in compact, smooth, rounded masses or in soft earthy  masses. No cleavage, it has a hardness of 5.5; sp. gr. 3.5 to 4.0; rusty or blackish color; and earthy  luster gives yellow brown streak.

a. Siderite 
b. Kaolinite 
c. Limonite 
d. Biotite 
e. none of the above 

16. An ultrabasic monomineralic rock consisting of more or less pure olivine.

a. Peridotite 
b. Dunite 
c. Basalt 
d. Andesite

17. A mineral with a streak color of black, co cleavage with a hardness of 3.5 and mineral brass  yellow.
a. Malachite 
b. Chalcopyrite 
c. Native sulfur 
d. Limonite

18. The stain used to identify anhydrite is:

a. Feigl’s solution 
b. Alizarin Red S 
c. Potassium ferricyanide 
d. Mercuric nitrate
e. Cobaltinitrite

19. Three crystallographic axes that make right angles with each other.

a. Tetragonal system 
b. Monoclinic system  
c. Orthorhombic system 
d. Hexagonal system 
e. None of the above

20. The existence of a mineral with the outward crystal form of another mineral species is known as: 

a. Isostructuralism 
b. Mesomorphism 
c. Polytypism 
d. Pseudomorphism 
e. None of the above

21. Radiating individual crystals forming small spherical or hemispherical groups: 

a. Fibrous 
b. Stellated 
c. Globular 
d. Mamillary 
e. None of the above 

22. Any emission of light by a mineral that is not the direct result of  incandescence is called:
a. Luminescence 
b. Chatoyancy 
c. Asterism 
d. Pyroelectricity 
e. None of the above 

23. The ________is usually used to determine the optic sign when the low-order  interference colors or no colors at all are seen in the optic axis figure.
a. Mica plate 
b. Gypsum plate 
c. Quartz wedge 
d. A and b 
e. None of the above

24. A type of quartz which includes brilliant scales of colored minerals such as  hematite or chromium mica: 

a. Tiger’s eye 
b. Quartz cat’s eye 
c. Rutilated quartz 
d. Aventurine quartz 
e. None of the above 

25. A colorless, transparent to translucent variety of K-feldspar which is  commonly found in pseudo-orthorhombic crystals: 

a. Baveno 
b. Manebach 
c. Adularia 
d. Moonstone 
e. None of the above

26. Common in acid igneous, metamorphic and clastic rocks, veins and geodes. It has a hardness of 7  with sp. gr. Of 2.65, commonly colorless or white, vitreous to greasy luster; transparent to  opaque. The most common of all minerals. 

a. Galena 
b. Feldspar 
c. Quartz 
d. Gypsum

27. Three unequal and mutually perpendicular axes.
a. Orthorhombic 
b. Hexagonal 
c. Isometric 
d. Tetragonal 

28. Term used to denote two substances having structures that are analogous in every respect,  although their unit cell dimensions are different and other properties are totally dissimilar.

a. Isostructuralism 
b. Mesomorphism 
c. Polytypism 
d. Pseudomorphism 
e. None of the above

29. Term suggesting the occurrence of lattice-like groups of slender crystals.

a. Reticulated 
b. Dendritic 
c. Drusy 
d. Divergent 
e. None of the above

30. Minerals that luminesce even after the exciting rays are cut off exhibit this property.

a. Triboluminescence 
b. Thermoluminescence 
c. Fluorescence 
d. Phosphorescence 
e. none of the above 

31. A yellow fibrous quartz pseudomorph after the fibrous amphibole  crocidolite is called:

a. Tiger’s eye 
b. Quartz cat’s eye 
c. Rutilated quartz 
d. Aventurine quartz 
e. None of the above 

32. Which of the following is not an amphibole mineral? 

a. Anthophyllite 
b. Cummingtonite 
c. Grunerite 
d. Tremolite 
e. None of the above

33. The stain used to identify feldspar is: 

a.Feigl’s solution 
b. Alizarin Red S
c. Potassium ferricyanide 
d. Mercuric nitrate  
e. Cobaltinitrite 

34. The resistance that a mineral offers to breaking, crushing, bending or tearing is called: 

a. Tenacity 
b. Cleavage 
c. Hardness 
d. Parting 
e. None of the above 

35. When the slow ray of the plate is parallel to the elongation of the mineral  grain and the interference colors fall, the mineral ___________________.

a. Has negative elongation and is optically positive 
b. Has positive elongation and is optically positive 
c. Has negative elongation and is optically negative 
d. Has negative elongation and is optically negative 
e. None of the above

36. Green chalcedony with small red spots of jasper in it: 

a. Carnelian 
b. Agate 
c. Bloodstone 
d. Chrysoprase 
e. None of the above 

37. A coarse-grained acid rock consisting of quartz (20-40%), alkali feldspar and various  ferromagnesian minerals, dominantly hornblende and biotite; apatite and magnetite are most  common accessory minerals. 

a. Diorite 
b. Andesite 
c. Granodiorite 
d. Dacite 

38. Crystal habit in which the crystals occur as hairlike or threadlike: 

a. Capillary and filiform 
b. Bladed
c. Acicular 
d. Drusy 
e. None of the above 

39. Which of the following minerals do not give biaxial interference figures under  normal conditions:

a. Orthorhombic 
b. Monoclinic 
c. Triclinic
d. Tetragonal 
e. None of the above 

40. Minerals that contain iron and are attracted to a hand magnet.

a. Diamagnetic 
b. Ferromagnetic 
c. Paramagnetic 
d. None

41. Occurs when two polymorphs differ only in stacking of identical, two-dimensional sheets or  layers:

a. Isostructuralism 
b. Mesomorphism 
c. Polytypism 
d. Pseudomorphism 
e. None of the above 

42. When a cabochon gemstone is cut from a mineral and subsequently shows a  band of light at right angles to the length of the fibers or directions of the inclusions, a property  known as ___________is exhibited. 

a. Asterism 
b. Chatoyancy 
c. Luminescence 
d. Fluorescence 
e. None of the above

43. The stain used to identify aragonite is:

a. Feigl’s solution 
b. Alizarin Red S 
c. Potassium ferricyanide 
d. Mercuric nitrate 
e. Cobaltinitrite  

44. Chemical formula for calaverite. 
a. FeCO3
b. AuFe2
c. Cu3AsS4
d. Ag3SbS2

45. Chemical formula for orthoclase. 

a. [KAl2(AlSi3O10)OH2

b. NaAlSi3O8 

c. KAlSi3O8 

d. CaAl2Si2O8 


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