Thursday, August 22, 2024

[Geology] Mock Board Exam - Mineral Deposits

 Note: Hi, guys! Publishing practice questionaires WITH NO ANSWER KEYS at the moment. Hopefully, this would be beneficial for all the takers of the Geologist Licensure Exam this year. Good luck and share it as much as you want. Regards!

Mineral Deposits
Mock Exam
AS OF 2024

1. The first chromite mining in the Philippines was done in:

a. Masinloc, Zambales 
b. Dianagat, Surigao 
c. Lagonoy, Camarines Norte 
d. Sta. Cruz, Zambales 
e. none of the above 

2. The Philippine’s mineral endowment is ______in the world for gold. 

a. First 
b. Second 
c. Third 
d. Fourth 
e. Fifth 

3. The following forms of gold deposits are found in the Philippines except: 

a. Epithermal al and mesothermal 
b. Skarn/contact metasomatic  
c. copper by-products 
d. placer and gossanous  
e. none of the above 

4. Eastern Mindanao has ___gold districts:

a. One 
b. Two 
c. Three 
d. Four 
e. Five 

5. Porphyry copper-gold is being/was mined in the following sites except: 

a. Sto Tomas II (Philex) 
b. Black Mountain  
c. Far Southeast  
d. Sto Nino 
e. None of the above

6. The following holds promise for gold deposits except:

a. Isabela province 
b. Nueva Vizcaya 
c. Cotabato 
d. Pujada peninsula 
e. None of the above 

7. The chief mercury mineral in the Philippines is:
 a. Native mercury 
 b. realgar 
 c. sylvanite 
 d. orpiment 
 e. cinnabar 

8. The only known bedded iron deposits in the Philippines that are associated with Plio Pleistocene clastics is: 

a. Tinambac, Camarines Norte
b. Camalaniugan, Cagayan 
c. Pan de  Azucar Island, Iloilo 
d. Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

9. Most ore bodies and major prospects of gold are situated at the main fault trace of the  Philippine Fault. This statement is:

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

10. Most epithermal gold deposits are hosted by magmatic rocks of the Miocene to Quaternary  age. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

11. The following constitute main gold districts in the country except:

a. Baguio-Mankayan 
b. Camarines Norte 
c. Masbate 
d. Surigao 
e. Samar 

12. The Aroroy gold deposit can be found in: 

a. Camarines Norte 
b. Camarines Sur 
c. Masbate 
d. Surigao del Norte 
e. Zamboanga del Norte

13. The most important source of iron in the Philippines occurs in: 

a. Skarn 
b. Magnetite sand 
c. Laterite 
d. sedimentary rocks 
e. none of the above 

14. The following are important iron districts in the Philippines except:

a. Ilocos Norte 
b. Camarines Norte 
c. Masbate 
d. Surigao 
e. none of the above 

15. Gold-rich porphyry copper deposits include the following except: 

a. Sto. Tomas II (Philex) mine 
b. Dizon porphyry copper mine  
c. Dinkidi deposit 
d. Thanksgiving Mine 
e. None of the above 

16. The following intrusive bodies account for the gold mineralization in the Baguio Mankayan area except: 

a. Gabbro 
b. Quartz Diorite 
c. Dacite 
d. A and b 
e. None of the above 

17. Porphyry copper deposits in the Philippines are usually associated with Cretaceous to  early Paleogene magmatic arcs. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. Not necessarily true 

18. The only aluminous laterite iron deposits that have been explored are those in: 

a. Bucas Grande, Siargao Surigao del Norte 
b. Siargao Islands, Surigao del Norte
c. Berong, Southern Palawan 
d. a and b 
e. a, b and c 

19. The epithermal gold deposits in Lepanto are considered to be of ________: 

a. High sulfidation type 
b. Low sulfidation type 
c. A and b 

20. Which of the following gold districts is densest in terms of the number of reported gold  deposits and prospects to date:
a. Baguio-Mankayan 
b. Camarines Norte 
c. Masbate
d. Surigao 
e. Masara 

21. Mercury deposits in Palawan was first discovered in:
a. Bo. Tagburos, Puerto Princesa 
b. Brooke's Point, Southern Palawan 
c. Berong, Southern Palawan 
d. Itogon, Benguet 
e. None of the above 

22.  The earthy manganese deposits in Anda Peninsula in Bohol is of: 

a. primary sedimentary type 
b. secondary type 
c. placer type 
d. a and b 
e. a,b, and c

23. Low/intermediate sulfidation epithermal deposits are found in the following areas except: 

a. Antamok Mine 
b. Itogon-Suyoc Mine 
c. Sibutad 
d. Tampakan Mines 
e. None of the above 

24. Primary manganese deposits in the Philippines occur in: 

a. tuff 
b. basalts 
c. cherts 
d. a and c 
e. a,b, and c 

25. The largest and oldest gold placer mine in the Philippines can be found in: 

a. Bued River, southern Central Cordillera 
b. Malaguit River Basin,Camarines Norte 
c. Solsona Basin, Ilocos  
d. Cagayan Valley Basin, northern Luzon 
e. None of the above 


The chromite deposits in Coto, Zambales are: 

a. metallurgical type 
b. refractory type 
c. no conclusion can be drawn


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