Sunday, August 18, 2024

[Geology] Mock Board Exam - Geology of the Philippines Part 1

Note: Hi, guys! Publishing practice questionaires WITH NO ANSWER KEYS at the moment. Hopefully, this would be beneficial for all the takers of the Geologist Licensure Exam this year. Good luck and share it as much as you want. Regards!

Geology of the Philippines

1. The perceived suture boundary between the plates of Eurasian Plate and Philippine Sea  plate affinity in Mindanao is the: 

a. Philippine Fault 
b. Agusan-Davao basin 
c. Sindangan-Cotobato Fault 
d. Bislig Fault 
e. A and B 

2. The back-arc basin of the northern Sierra Madre Range is:

a. Cagayan Valley Basin 
b. Solsona Basin 
c. Central Valley Basin 
d. Caraballo Mountain 
e. Central Cordillera 

3. The earliest pulse of plutonic activity in the Central Cordillera in northern Luzon occurred in  the Late Eocene to Oligocene. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

4. Which of the following is of Eurasian affinity: 

a. Reed Bank 
b. Macclesfield Bank 
c. Zamboanga Peninsula 
d. northern Palawan 
e. all of the above 

5. Which of the following is/are not true about the Sulu Sea? 

a. It has three sub-basins 
b. It opened as a back-arc basin 
c. Formed along the Cagayan de Sulu Ridge 
d. Formed starting approximately 20 Ma. 
e. None of the above 

6. The following are examples of marginal basins except: 

a. South China Sea 
b. Sulu Sea 
c. Parece Vela Basin 
d. Celebes Sea 
e. None of the above 

7. The following is the morphological expression of the westward subduction of the Philippine  Sea Plate under the eastern Philippine arc: 

a. Philippine Trench 
b. Manila trench 
c. Sulu trench 
d. All of the above 
e. None of the above 

8. The Molucca Sea is a classic example of : 

a. arc-continent collision 
b. arc-arc collision 
c. continent-continent collision 
d. none of the above 

9. Which of the following comprises the basement rock of the Southern Sierra Madre? 

a. Zambales Ophiolite 
b. Angat Ophiolite 
c. Casiguran Ophiolite 
d. Pugo Formation 
e. Liminangcong Formation 

10. Which is not true of the Philippine Fault? 

a. It is a sinistral fault 
b. It transects the archipelago from Luzon to Eastern Mindanao for more than 1,200  km.  
c. It accommodates a lateral component of the oblique convergence between the  Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate.  
d. Its formation is synchronous to that of the Philippine Trench 
e. None of the above 

11. Which of the following rock formation in northern Luzon is dominantly composed of molasse type of deposits: 

a. Kennon Limestone 
b. Klondyke Formation 
c. Cataguintingan Formation 
d. Rosario Formation 
e. none of the above. 

12. The structure marking the boundary between the Manila and Negros-Sulu trench systems  is: 

a. Philippine Fault Zone’ 
b. Antique-Tablas lineament 
c. Verde Passage Suture 
d. Manila Trench 
e. None of the above

13. Which of the following is generally considered as aseismic? 

a. Palawan trough 
b. East Luzon trough 
c. Philippine Trench 
d. Negros Trench 
e. none of the above

14. The back-arc basin of the Central Cordillera in northern Luzon is: 

a. Cagayan valley Basin 
b. Central Valley Basin 
c. South China Sea basin 
d. Solsona Basin 
e. none of the above  

15. Which among the rock formations in the Philippines is the oldest? 

a. Liminangcong Formation 
b. Bacuit Formation 
c. Lubuagan Formation 
d. Labayug Formation
e. Guadalupe Formation 

16. Which is not true of Palawan? 

a. The northern region is of Eurasian affinity 
b. The southern region is composed mainly of ophiolite 
c. It is bounded by the Palawan trough to the east 
d. The boundary between the southern and northern terrane is perceived to be the  Ulugan Fault 
e. none of the above. 

17. The southeast Asian marginal basins successively opened within the: 

a. Tertiary 
b. Jurassic to Cretaceous 
c. Paleozoic 
d. a and b 
e. none of the above 

18. The Mabuhay Andesite, often associated with gold mineralization in the Mindanao Pacific  Cordillera, could be a mineralized and hydrothermally equivalent of ths Early to Late Pliocene  rock unit: 

a. Maniayao Andesite 
b. Paco Andesite 
c. Anoling Andesite 
d. Ipil Andesite 
e. none of the above

19. The circular, plug-like mass that underlies the relatively low, but deeply dissected hills  fringing the southeastn coast of Buruanga Peninsula is referred to as: 

a. Guimaras Diorite 
b. Pacol Diorite 
c. Patria Quartz Diorite 
d. Buruanga Diorite Complex 
e. none of the above 

20. The North Palawan Block is considered to have drifted from southern China as evidenced  by: 

a. stratigraphic correlation
b. paleontologic correlation 
c. paleomagnetism 
d. a and b 
e. all of the above 

21. The basement rock of western Leyte/Camotes Island is the : 

a. Tacloban Ophiolite 
b. Malitbog Ophiolite 
c. Babatngon Schist 
d. Albuera Diorite 
e. none of the above 

22. The Late Pliocene to Pleistocene coralline limestone fringing most of the coastal areas of  Cebu island is called: 

a. Baye Limestone 
b. Carcar Formation 
c. Lutak Limestone 
d. Butong Limestone 
e. a and b 

23. The Parece Vela-Shikoku Basin is separated from the West Philippine Basin by: 

a. Izu-Bonin Ridge
b. West Marianas Ridge 
c. Palau-Kyushu Ridge 
d. A and C 
e. B and C 

24. Which is true of the Philippine Mobile Belt? 

a. A product of the NW-SE oblique convergence between the Eurasian Plate and the  Philippine Sea Plate 
b. It extends from Taiwan in the north to the Molucca Sea Collision Zone in the south  c. It is flanked by subduction zones 
d. a and c only  
e. a, b and c 

25. The “arc polarity reversal” model envisions Luzon as resulting from:

a. The westward subduction along the proto-East Luzon Trough possibly until the Late  Oligocene and subsequent flipping of subduction along the Manila Trench.
b. The eastward subduction along the Manila Trench possibly until the Late Oligocene and  subsequent flipping of subduction along the proto-East Luzon trough. 
c. The westward subduction along the Philippine Trench possibly until the Late Oligocene and  subsequent flipping of subduction along the Manila Trench. 
d. The eastward subduction along the Manila Trench possibly until the Late Oligocene and  subsequent flipping of subduction along the Philippine Trench. 
e. None of the above.  

26. As exposed in Baguio City, the basement rock comprising the southern Cordillera Range  is? 

a. Kennon Limestone 
b. Zigzag Formation 
c. Klondyke Formation 
d. Mirador Limestone 
e. none of the above  

27. Which of the following is/are not true about the South China Sea basin: 

a. It opened sometime during the Late Eocene to Oligocene  
b. It is composed of three sub-basins 
c. The Scarborough Seamount serves as the old spreading center d. Its opening may be related trench rollback or to India-Eurasia collision e. None of the above 

28. The following members comprise the Maribojoc Formation in Bohol except: 

a. Tubigon Conglomerate 
b. Sevilla Marl 
c. Cortes Limestone  
d. Anda Limestone 
e. none of the above 

29. The Eocene Tumbaga Formation exposed in Camarines Norte correlates with the following  formation/s except: 

a. Guijalo Limestone 
b. Payo Formation 
c. Sula Formation 
d.  Pantao Limestone 
e. none of the above 

30. The Celebes Sea formed during the: 

a. Early Miocene 
b. Oligocene 
c. Eocene 
d. Oligocene to Miocene 
e. None of the above 

31. The southward drift of the North Palawan Block resulted from the opening of the  ______________: 

a. South China Sea 
b. Celebes Sea 
c. Sulu Sea 
d. All of the above 
e. None of the above. 

32. The opening of the Philippine Sea Plate marginal basins is usually associated with a  mechanism involving the retreat of the subducting slab. This statement is generally considered  to be: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

33. The spreading center of the West Philippine Basin is the: 

a. Central Basin Fault 
b. Scarborough Seamount 
c. West Philippine Sea Plate Spreading Center 
d. Marianas Trough 
e. None of the above 

34. Which is not true of the Negros Trench: 

a. It is here that the oceanic crust of the Sulu Sea is being consumed 
b. Its Benioff zone is not well defined
c. Subduction is marked by the presence of an arc which has been active since its  initiation at ~10 Ma  
d. The Negros Trench connects southwestwards with the Sulu Trench 
e. None of the above 

35. The Philippines is generally interpreted as a collage of insular arcs, ophiolitic suites and  continental rocks of Eurasian affinity. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

36. The volcanic equivalent of the Coastal Batholith noted by previous workers in the northern  Sierra Madre region is the: 

a. Caraballo Formation 
b. Dibuluan River Formation 
c. Palali Formation 
d. None of the above 
e. All of the above 

37. Arc development in the northern Sierra Madre-Caraballo region essentially started during  the:
a. Oligocene 
b. Miocene 
c. Cretaceous 
d. Eocene 
e. None of the above 

38. The oldest known magmatic rocks (of Lower Cretaceous age) in the Philippines are found  in: 

a. Bohol 
b. Baguio City 
c. Cebu 
d. Surigao 
e. None of the above 

39. The earliest pulse of plutonic activity in the Central Cordillera in northern Luzon occurred in  the Late Eocene to Oligocene. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

40. Which does not belong to the group? 

a. Kennon Limestone 
b. Mirador Limestone 
c. Klondyke Formation 
d. Zizgzag Formation 
e .Madlum Formation


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