Tuesday, August 20, 2024

[Geology] Mock Board Exam - Geophysics Part 2

Note: Hi, guys! Publishing practice questionaires WITH NO ANSWER KEYS at the moment. Hopefully, this would be beneficial for all the takers of the Geologist Licensure Exam this year. Good luck and share it as much as you want. Regards!

Geophysics Mock Exam
Part 2
General Geology

1. Seismic anomalies indicate variations in:
a. gravity readings 
b. acoustic impedance 
c. earthquake magnitude 
d. earthquake intensity 
e. c and d 

2. A unit of measurement being used in magnetic s is:

a. Milligal 
b. Km/sec 
c. Ohm-m 
d. Tesla 
e. Mho/m 

3.  Zones of propylitic alteration will most likely register a _____.
a. Magnetic low 
b. Magnetic high 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

4. Density variations in rocks are influenced by the following factors except: 

a. Silica content 
b. Degree of cementation]degree of compaction 
c. Mineral composition 
d. Porosity 
e. None of the above

5. Gravity base station must be reoccupied periodically within the day to correct for:  

a. Time variations 
b. Elevation corrections 
c. Instrumental drift 
d. None of the above 
e. All of the above  

6. In a gravity survey, ______is made to account for the topographic relief in the vicinity of the  gravity station. 

a. Terrain correction 
b. Bouger correction 
c. Free air correction 
d. A and b 
e. All of the above 

7. The gravity method can be applied in any of the following except: 

a. Investigation of large- and medium-scale geological structures and ancient suture zones 
b. Location of sedimentary basins and possible hydrocarbon traps 
c. Hydrogeological investigations to determine the geometry of potential aquifers 
d. Engineering and geotechnical applications for the location of cavities and voids 
e. None of the above 

8. The following are diamagnetic minerals except: 

a. Ilmenite 
b. Quartz 
c. Salt 
d. A and b 
e. All of the above 

9. Magnetic minerals with electron spin alignment directions within each domain being almost all  parallel to the direction of the external inducing field are : 

A. Ferromagnetic 
B. Ferrimagnetic 
C. Diamagnetic 
D. Paramagnetic 
E. None of the above 

10. Long-term variations in the main magnetic field that are presumably caused by fluid motion in  the Earth's outer core is called: 

a. Magnetic storms 
b. Secular variations 
c. Diurnal variations 
d. Magnetic deviations 
e. None of the above 

11. A deviation from uniformity in physical properties or a perturbation from a normal, uniform, or  predictable field is a:
a. geophysical anomaly 
b. nonconformity 
c. anomalous background 
d. background value 
e. none of the above 

12. Airborne geophysical survey is usually used in: 

a. Flat or gently undulating terrain 
b. Offshore investigations 
c. Large or heavily forested areas 
d. All of the above 
e. None of the above 

13. Hydrothermally altered, acid leached rocks will generally register a: 

a. Gravity high, magnetic low 
b. Gravity high, magnetic high 
c. Gravity high only; magnetics inconclusive 
d. Gravity low, magnetic high 
e. Gravity low, magnetic low 

14. Peridotite bearing chromite will likely register a:
a. Gravity low, magnetic low 
b. Gravity high, magnetic high 
c. Magnetic low, gravity high 
d. Magnetic high, gravity low 
e. None of the above

15. Gravity is greater at the equator than at the poles. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn

16. Gravity variations with latitude result in the oblate spheroid shape of the earth. This statement  is: (refer to #15 for choices) 

17. The free air correction is deemed positive if the gravity station is ________.

a. Above sea level 
b. Below sea level 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

18. Magnetic anomalies result mainly from: 

a. Changes in the earth’s magnetic field due to variations in the magnetic mineral content  of rocks 
b. Lateral changes in the distribution of magnetic minerals 
c. Type of magnetic minerals 
d. A and b 
e. All of the above 

19. The physical law applied in magnetic surveying is the: 

a. Newton's Law of Gravity 
b. Ohm's Law 
c. Coulomb's Law 
d. Quantum Mechanics 
e. None of the above 

20. The following are considered noise in magnetic surveys except:

a. Magnetic storms 
b. Secular variations 
c. Diurnal variations 
d. Latitude corrections 
e. None of the above 

21. Gravity anomalies arise due to lateral perturbations in the ______of rock.

a. density 
b. magnetic susceptibility 
c. signal to noise ratio 
d. magnetic intensity 
e. b and c 

22. The parameter being measured in ground penetrating radar is:
a. Magnetic susceptibility 
b. Ground resistance  
c. Reflection of electromagnetic waves 
d. Acoustic impedance 
e. C and d 

23. The following geophysical methods may be used in the search for nickel laterites except: 

a. Seismic 
b. Gravity 
c. Magnetics 
d. Resistivity 
e. None of the above

24. The most easily recognized equipotentiometric surface, which is everywhere horizontal or  orthogonal to the direction of gravity is the:

a. Oblate spheroid 
b. Gravity acceleration  
c. Geoid 
d. Ellipse 
e. None of the above 

25. Any ground above the observation point (hills) tends to attract a mass upwards. In this case, a  _______ terrain correction must be applied. 

a. Positive 
b. Negative 
c. Either a positive or negative is applied depending on what is underneath the surface 

26. The temperature above which paramagnetism is no longer observed is called  

a. Barconi temperature 
b. Curie Temperature 
c. Paramagnetic temperature 
d. Ferrimagnetic temperature 
e. None of the above 

27. Which of the following is not considered a source of geophysical noise? 

a. typhoons 
b. ore body 
c. lightning strokes 
d. powerlines 
e. none of the above

28. Spatial variations in the earth’s gravitational field are caused by lateral variations in rock density. This statement is:
a. False 
b. True 
c. No conclusion can be draw 

29. The instrument drift correction is_______ from the observed value.

a. Added 
b. Subtracted 
c. Divided 
d. Multiplied 
e. A or c 

30. In igneous rocks, magnetic property decreases with increasing silica content. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

31. The following geophysical surveys may be used in the exploration for volcanogenic massive  sulfide deposits except: 

a. Electromagnetics 
b. Magnetic 
c. Gravity 
d. None of the above 
e. All of the above 

32. This is a correction applied to gravity measurements taken on a moving vehicle such as a ship or  an aircraft. 

a. Lotvos correction 
b. Bouger anomaly correction 
c. Eotvos correction 
d. Eltovos correction 
e. A and c  

33. The physical property being looked into in seismic surveying is: 

a. Density
b. Elastic moduli 
c. Conductivity 
d. A and b 
e. A and c 

34. The following are components of the Earth’s magnetic field except: 

a. Declination 
b. Inclination 
c. Magnetic intensity 
d. All of the above 
e. None of the above 

35. Based on the International Gravity Formula, correction for latitude is_____from the observed  gravity values.

a. Added 
b. subtracted 
c. multiplied  
d. divided 
e. b and c 


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