Monday, August 19, 2024

[Geology] Mock Board Exam - Geophysics Part 1

 Note: Hi, guys! Publishing practice questionaires WITH NO ANSWER KEYS at the moment. Hopefully, this would be beneficial for all the takers of the Geologist Licensure Exam this year. Good luck and share it as much as you want. Regards!

Geophysics Mock Exam
Part 1
General Geology

1. Magnetic survey method can be used in the following except:
a. search for metalliferous mineral deposits  
b. Determining the extent of the sedimentary basin for petroleum exploration 
c. Geotechnical investigations to delineate faulting in bedrock 
d. Tool for geological mapping to define structural features 
e. None of the above 

2. The Wenner spread resistivity array involves: 

a. Equal spacing between electrodes 
b. Unequal spacing between electrodes 
c. Current electrodes being spaced much farther apart than the potential electrodes
d. B and c 
e. None of the above 

3. The use of the electromagnetic method is limited by the fact that: 

a. Depth of penetration is limited 
b. EM anomalies may result from non-economic sources  
c. Quantitative interpretation of EM anomalies is complex. 
d. A and b 
e. All of the above 

4.  The following can be used as non explosive seismic sources except: 

a. Air gun 
b. Hammer 
c. Weight drop 
d. Vibroseis 
e. None of the above 

5. In borehole logs, the deposition of particles held in suspension in the drilling fluid seals porous wall rocks to form: 

a. Mudcake 
b. Mudlog 
c. Borehole mud 
d. Core log 
e. None of the above 

6. The primary magnetization in igneous rocks is mainly:

a. Thermoremanent magnetization 
b. Depositional remanent l magnetization 
c. Chemical remanent magnetization 
d. Viscous remanent magnetization’ 
e. None of the above

7. In a gold-rich porphyry copper deposit, the expected magnetic signature in potassic alteration core zone is: 

a. Magnetic low 
b. Magnetic high 
c. No conclusion can be drawn

8. In resistivity surveys, to attain deeper penetration of current into the ground, the electrode spacing must be: 

a. Increased 
b. Decreased 
c. Increased or decreased depending on the physical property of the subsurface materials 

9. The unit for conductivity is:

a. ohm-m 
b. ohm/m 
c. mhos-m 
d. mhos/m 
e. none of the above

10. The seismic wave most useful in seismic surveying is the: 

a. P-wave 
b. S-wave 
c. Surface waves 
d. None of the above 
e. All of the above 

11. Which of the following is generally considered as a coherent noise is seismic surveying? 

a. S-waves 
b. Surface waves 
c. Reflections from near surface irregularities 
d. B and C 
e. All of the above

12. The most important part of the seismic processing in improving quality of seismc data is: 

a. Normal moveout correction 
b. Stacking 
c. Migration 
d. Common depth point sorting 
e. None of the above

13. The instrumentation necessary for borehole logging is housed in a cylindrical metal tube known as:

a. Wireline log 
b. Sonic log 
c. Sonde 
d. Poroperm
e. None of the above

14. In the geocentric axial dipole (GAD) model from which paleomagnetic analyses are largely  based, the: 

a. geomagnetic and geographic axes coincide 
b. geomagnetic and geographic equator do not coincide 
c. Geomagnetic and geographic axes do not coincide 
d. Geomagnetic and geographic equator coincide 
e. A and d 

15. According to Ohm’s Law, the potential difference between two surfaces is _______ to the  current in conducting body.
a. Directly proportion 
b. Inversely proportional 
c. No conclusion can be drawn

16. The following influence the resistivity of the rock except:

a. Degree of fracturing 
b. Porosity 
c. Salinity of interstitial fluids 
d. Type of rock 
e. None of the above 

17. Resistivity surveys are more often used in:
a. Mineral exploration 
b. Hydrogeological survey 
c. Civil engineering studies 
d. Geothermal resource exploration 
e. B and d 

18. The depth of penetration increases as frequency of the field and conductivity of the ground  increases. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

19. The physical property being measured in IP is:

a. Chargeability 
b. Acoustic impedance 
c. Conductivity 
d. A and c 
e. None of the above 

20. What effect would high porosity and weathering of rocks have on the seismic velocity? 

a. They would increase the seismic velocity 
b. They would decrease the seismic velocity 
c. They would not have any influence on seismic velocity 
d. They would have increase or decrease seismic velocity depending on the type of rock 
e. None of the above 

21. The seismic reflection method can be used for the following except: 

a. Search for hydrocarbons (onshore and offshore) 
b. High resolution studies of shallow geology  
c. Groundwater exploration 
d. Crustal and lithospheric studies  
e. C and d 

22.  In gamma ray density log, density may be estimated by measuring the proportion of gamma  radiation returned to the detector by: 

a. Compton scattering 
b. Gamma radiation 
c. Normal moveout 
d. Electromagnetic wave radiation 
e. None of the above 

23. In the resistivity surveying of landfills, leachate contamination will result in: 

a. High resistivity values 
b. Low resistivity values 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

24. All bodies with high electrical conductivity produce strong EM fields. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

25. The geophysical method best used for the exploration of disseminated ores is: 

a. Seismic survey 
b. Gravity survey 
c. IP method 
d. Magnetic survey 
e. Resistivity survey 

26. The mathematical operation used for frequency filtering in seismic surveys is: 

a. Fourier transform 
b. Pythagorean theorem 
c. Quantum mechanics 
d. A and c 
e. None of the above

27. Natural gamma radiation log provides an estimate of the:

a. Salinity of interstitial fluids 
b. Clay content 
c. Mineralogical composition of rocks 
d. A and c 
e. All of the above 

28. Sonic logging provides vital information on the _____ of the rocks.

a. Porosity 
b. Mineral composition 
c. Degree of weathering 
d. permeability 
e. none of the above 

29. The following geological properties may be obtainable from borehole logging except? 

a. formation thickness  
b. lithology 
c. Porosity 
d. Stratal dip  
e. None of the above

30. Which of the following cannot be considered as random noise in seismic surveying? 

a. Livestock movement 
b. Traffic movement 
c. Wind moving vegetation 
d. Reflections must near surface irregularities 
e. None of the above

31. Igneous rocks are generally more resistive than sedimentary rocks. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn

32. In an induced polarization (IP) method, membrane polarization occurs when pore space narrows to  within several boundary layer thicknesses. This statement is: 

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn

33. Seismic velocity increases with density. This statement is:

a. True 
b. False 
c. No conclusion can be drawn 

34. Presence of gas in sedimentary rocks reduces the elastic moduli as well as the Vp/Vs ratio (refer  to #33)  

35. The principle of reciprocity is applied in:

a. Seismic reflection 
b. Seismic refraction 
c. Seismic tomography 
d. A and b 
e. None of the above 


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