Sunday, January 24, 2021

Is it fair that government employees right now are being paid full while only reporting for a couple of days a week?


It kinda feels unfair that most of us are going through difficulties right now when it comes to us losing our jobs, being paid less than usual and/or being put under forced leaves while these people are just reporting once or twice a week whilst still being paid full.

Working for the government for almost 2 years as a contractual, it feels more shitty because I know how these tenured people 'work'. I'm just not talking shit in here without knowing anything. I have colleagues who just report twice a week and be paid whole for their 'service' and they just, well, talk in the office or eat out. I am not saying that all government employees are like this, I've met some good ones along the way but I am not talking about them in here.

I just want to mention this too: I personally know someone who works for the city health department who's supposed to report every day after the new year. She complains a lot that she doesn't want to do that, that she only wants to report during MWTh. I asked her to take a leave then or something if she doesn't want to go but she told me that she doesn't have to, she'll just go there in the morning and sign up for her attendance and go back home again and just come back when it's around 5pm. She's basically at home all day, doing God knows what, and still get paid while staying at home. She also used multiple times the 'frontliner' excuse to get what she wants, to get ahead of the line and to basically be an entitled crappy human being. She's not even working with COVID patients because she works with TEETH, the fuck.

Anyway, missed a couple of days due to family matters so I just want to write in here today while I feel like it. Ugh, this really pisses me off a lot.

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