Tuesday, January 19, 2021

[Life Blog] Murder Mysteries and Forensic Science


Recently, I am getting hooked with watching a lot of Murder Mysteries and documentaries on YouTube. Sometimes, I watch it even before I go to bed or when I try to take a nap. I don't know if it's a weird thing but damn, some cases are really interesting and it kinda helps you to take care of yourself when you go out there in the world. 

One of my favorite channels in YouTube is Explore With Us . The cases they try to work on are usually not that famous and therefore not given the needed public attention in order to solve the case. 

Watching this usually gets me paranoid but it is better to be safe than sorry, am I right? Especially these days wherein you can not even trust police officers in this country. 😏😏😏

Also, it's great to know that due to the advances of Forensic Science, more and more cold cases are being solved and missing persons located or identified (based on their remains of course). Jane and John Does are being returned to their families and victims are finally getting the justice that this world owes to them. 

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