Wednesday, January 20, 2021

[Life Blog] Office Chronicles: The Psychotic Officemate


I just got home from the office and man, that's rough. It's raining cats and dogs here in Manila. Although not really a fan of the rain and I don't like to go outside during this season, somehow, I found comfort in it while I was walking home.

During the quarantine, there is only one person who keeps on reporting to the office from our department since June. She goes there every Wednesday. I started joining her last October when I got bored at home and when I started feeling like shit mentally. The reason I am mentioning her is because she's really a cool gal and a source of the most intriguing gossips in the office. Given that she's always there, she hears a lot of things. Let's call her 'cool girl' or CG for short.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this entry right now is because I've heard a juicy tidbit earlier. There's this one girl in the office that pissed me off so much since I joined the company. Sometimes, I try to evaluate myself if anything that's happening during our encounter is because of my general attitude towards her (which I find to be okay and mostly polite). I even ask officemates and they said that I haven't done to her anything that can be misconstrued as mean and/or arrogant in the slightest. The general opinion is that she's really the office bitch and a little bit of power tripper as well. So, let's just call her 'office bitch' or OB for short.

If I am gonna be honest, I don't like confrontations. It's too emotionally draining, you're gonna be vulnerable and seriously, if I don't really need to do it, why would I even bother? It's a waste of precious time to be pissed over something especially when it comes to work. ALTHOUGH this is the case, if a person is being bitchy towards me without me doing anything to this person, I would definitely say that I don't appreciate it and ask them if they have a problem with me. This is probably the reason why OB is acting out on me. I usually just don't acknowledge her existence (haha, this is a weird way to put it but I just don't. I don't notice her antics, I barely talk to her unless needed and I have little to no interaction towards her outside of work). To me, she's just there. Maybe this is also another thing why she's so annoyed with me. Haha. I don't take notice of her. I don't know exactly when it started but it's probably around November when she 'accidentally forgot' to reserve our team's shuttle ride. First of all, that's real shitty of her but even though that was the case, I did not fight with her about it. I just asked her if she reserved our ride and when she said that she didn't and that she forgot about it, my teammate and I just go to the office ourselves and commuted. We just moved on and go on with our lives.

WELL, apparently, OB was obsessing about it, thinking that I would probably snitch her out towards our Vice President (we're not that close but since I am in a supervisory position, I kinda have a direct interaction with him). This was probably made worse when I was asking her about an extension for the submission of our Christmas presentation (omg, like, wtf? Why would you need this 2 days before the party when you're just gonna collate it and put in a preso?). OB started saying that she doesn't care if we make it on time, that we would be disqualified and that we should have done it earlier. Like, bitch, how are we gonna do that when we're basically busy with our jobs? It's not like I'm just collating stuff, putting it in a power point and/or documentary report, doing minutes of a meeting and scheduling meetings (she's an admin associate, btw). I AM DOING A MORE DEMANDING TASKS (I'm not trying to demean an admin job but c'mon. In the first place, she shouldn't be pressuring us with this). We were so eager to join this competition btw because we want to win back the money that we contributed towards this FREAKING ONLINE CHRISTMAS PARTY WITH NO FOOD OR WHATSOEVER. It's just some raffle prices that came from our own pockets, wtf. She was the one who initiated this because she likes to collect money and keep the rest of it via spending only the minimum that she could.

Long story short, I asked her if she has a problem with me. OB immediately stop being snarky towards me because this is how I said it:

"Hey, do you have a problem with me? I haven't done anything with you so I don't really appreciate this attitude of yours."

OB must have been real surprised to hear that from someone because most people just go with her since she's also the secretary of the Vice President. She tried to have a pleasant conversation with me, sweet-talking me and shit, but I was just literally answering her casually because, hey, this bitch just showed me some real bad attitude. Was she really expecting me to be all warm and friendly towards her all of a sudden?

Well, what do you know? During the party, she did these things toward me:

  1. She removed my name from the raffle roulette (which backfired towards her because I got so mad and reported her to the other organizers - I ended up having a consolation prize of some sort)
  2. She butchered my award (spelling and presentation-wise; who would be dumb enough to not spell correctly Wonder Woman? Even my 5-year old nephew can do this)
  3. She butchered my surname (well, I have a pretty unique 12-letter surname but you're an admin, we've been to a lot of meetings together where you wrote the minutes. You can narrow down the reasons for this mistake easily, (a) OB is really that dumb, (b) she had a stroke or, (c) she's really a bitch. I guess all of us knows why.)
I honestly thought that they were just minor mistakes and small inconveniences on my part. But CG told me today that it was planned, that she really DID do that out of spite. I was not mad when I've heard this. I was just regretful because when they were making comments about the wrong spellings and mistakes, I just casually said that maybe they were honest mistakes. I should have just said that maybe she had a stroke or something when she finished the preso.

This has been a long post but to tie this one in a nice bow, I promised myself earlier that I would need to be more smart with my comebacks and I will not let this bitch get away anymore with her bad attitude. I will go with a bang and she'll probably be the one who's gonna explode after everything. I always said to myself that I shouldn't be vengeful even when the going gets tough but this bitch is a real bitch. I CAN'T LET HER HAVE THIS ATTITUDE TOWARDS OTHERS. This madness needs to stop. I swear to Duterte's nose.


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