Monday, January 18, 2021

[Life Blog] Office Chronicles: Recent Encounter with the Bad


I remember how my mom used to always tell me back then that famous Filipino adage, "Ang latang walang laman ay maingay". I just witnessed this right now (actually, what happened today is just a follow up from yesterday's stupidity) before I got out from our daily ONE HOUR check-point meeting (it's totally useful, guys, I'm not even lying 😒😒).

So I have this colleague. Let's just say that he's so arrogant and too full of himself (I'm pretty sure that these two words are almost the same but one word isn't enough to describe this guy). Usually, people who graduated from the University that he attended act this way because they think they are the best in the Philippines. I can safely say though that he's all talk and he probably has no depth in him and there are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more people who are smarter than him.

Even though we both came from the same industry and now working in a totally different one in referenced to our background, I feel 'meh' towards him. He's overbearing, he's ass-licking to the boss, he's rude to anyone who try to correct him; overall, he's a douchebag. I have lots of different stories about this dude but I would like to share the most recent one that happened just a couple of minutes ago. Haha.

So, yesterday, this dude said that, "You know? You should upload your submissions to the other Team in our Drive so that we can check if what you've submitted is correct." I was so blown away by this because, the fuck, what does he think we submit to the other team, documents that we created ourselves? (aside from the Feasibility Study, of course). At the back of my mind, that would lead to redundancy in our Drive. I don't like to go through the same documents over and over again so why would I do the same to others? I did not really say anything yesterday because I keep on dropping out of the Zoom call (thanks, PLDT). 

Today, during our checkpoint meeting, I asked him that why should I reupload our forwarded documents when it's the same documents uploaded in the Drive already, and wouldn't it be a redundancy of some sort that will just cause confusion?

This dude immediately said, "Well, that answered your question. Why would you even ask that?" He kept on repeating this, as if to make a point when clearly, he's in the wrong for suggesting something stupid.

People are commenting about this in our group chat and I must have laughed for a bit even while in the meeting. All I ever responded to this guy is an amused, "Uhm, okaay".

I don't know. I'm just writing this because it's so fucking funny and a little bit annoying.


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