Saturday, January 16, 2021

[Life Blog] Office Chronicles Introduction


Haha. It's kinda difficult for me to start writing about this but a Psych2Go video told me to just do it. So I am gonna do just that. No planning or whatsoever, no procrastination, just plainly doing it for the sake of doing something. I guess, that's really one of the 8 Things That Aren't Worth Your Time in Life

So here's a little something about me. I am actually really private when it comes to my online persona or the 'carbon footprint' that I left on the net, if I might say so. I obsessively search my name sometimes just to see what kind of information about me is out there and if there's something that I don't want to be associated with my name, even when I actually said it or did it [excuse my English, I'm just writing here 😝] I try to hide it or delete it as much as possible. You know, you don't want those kinds of things to go out there, especially with your employers and possible employers. BUT sometimes, there are things that you need to discuss for you to stay sane in this world.

Well, as per the title I've given this post, it is about my experiences working. As a geologist, more often than not, you'll definitely NOT gonna have a full-time desk job. You'll be sent off to the field to gather data, stay in the middle of an area without signal and covering some grounds to do some explo. You'll walk and walk for hours in a day, sometimes even riding one of those habal-habal just to get to your destination/s. I have a lot of fieldwork stories that maybe I can finally write about now because I've not been affiliated to my previous jobs anyway for quite some time. More of that later.

But this post though is not about the fieldworks; it's about the time I spent working and/or staying in the office, doing some crappy documentation or photocopying stuff that you'll need to have with you. As of the moment, I'm not really practicing my profession. I don't know, after a while, you're gonna get tired of it. Especially with me, all my life, I've been living in the city, born and raised in the metro. It came as a shock to me when I stayed in Quezon for almost 2 years of my adult life. The places starts to close at about 5pm, the local McDonald's' and Jollibees are located in the next town and you can't really walk outside at night, not because of bad people, but because it's literally pitch black outside. Living in the province have some benefits into it too but I got tired of that life. I'm not used to it. I miss the hustle and bustle of the city, the 3am pigging out and my late night walks at BGC

So I decided to look for a job in the city I was born. I love the place anyway. I am AT HOME in here. AND I found one, even though the pay sucks, I am gonna be living in the city again. Although not really in the same field that I am trained, my current job is in the field that I am truly passionate about; Renewables. I won't say more about this company because it is fairly easy to identify it but man, oh, man. I've met really interesting people in here. The good and the bad, the genius and the stupid, the popular and the loner, you name it all.

I sometimes think that I may be unfortunate to meet real dumb people out there but I probably also need to consider my tolerance and level of understanding when it comes to stupidity. I feel like I should also be fair when it comes to that and realize that not everyone is like me. I'm not saying that I am brilliant, don't get me wrong, but I am certain that I have a strong sense of decency and well, COMMON SENSE.

I would definitely tell you really stupid anecdotes and describe some primary characters in my work life right now. If I am even up for it, I might do some sketches of these people. I would love to share these stories and probably try to find out if anyone else is experiencing these things because, damn, there are really weird people out there. 

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