Monday, March 22, 2021

[Life Blog] Office Chronicles: When the Boss is Breathing Down Your Neck


I feel like, with my current relationships, my work and my other hobbies (such as playing Time Princess lately), there's really no good time to write everything that is on my mind or to even pursue some of the things that I actually enjoy doing.

The micromanagement at work is getting too overwhelming. Just earlier today at the morning meeting, the asshole VP asked who wanted to have a refresher of the training that he did for management last month. Sure, it has already been a month but there's no point of having a refresher when you barely even practice the things you've learned before (and honestly, I haven't really learned anything new in there. He just copied sentences from Google then gave some really sarcastic and subjective examples). Also, what really irks me off is the fact that he asked us to raise our hands if we wanted the refresher. The first time, there were only three people who raised their hands (yes, you are right, the sucks up; we refer to them as the Dream Team). Since the VP was not getting his wanted response, he keeps repeating the question again until there were 5 people who actually raised their hands. Five out of 13. In the end, he just decided that he's not able to see if we're not raising our hands so we're just gonna do the refresher anyway. Even in the office, there is no democracy. 

I know, I feel like I am complaining a lot. There's really nothing good happening in this fucking sad office and I hate that everything that I am doing is being questioned all the time. They are making me feel as if I am not doing anything, that I am very relax when I can't even sleep at night worrying about my deadlines because of a power tripper who keeps on returning my documents with minimal comments. Even the way we are writing emails are being manage right now, even the uploading of the documents on our SharePoint. It's getting annoying since they are breathing down on my neck.

I mean, I get it, the VP is probably feeling that he has no control anymore on what's happening right now. That's probably the reason why he's trying to control anything that he can. I will give him that. But at the same time, he shouldn't really antagonize the people who are willing to stand by him, to make everything easier for him. What he's doing right now is just making me feel tired and so disconnected to him. I don't feel any sympathy anymore, no feeling at all of wanting to assist him because he's just being an asshole. 

In everything, I always ensure that I do the best thing that I can. Not because I am a showoff but I feel like my identity lies on my work ethics and my ability to finish things and to 'come through' when times are tough or workloads seem overbearing. This is different though. I am psychologically tormented and mentally exhausted because of all the stupid little things he's trying to impose on us. The favoritism as well is getting into me. I feel like casually telling your employees that the Dream Team is the foundation of your workforce is fucking stupid when everyone knows that these people don't know shit.

The girl is a glorified secretary. She can't even talk to people formally, patiently and respectfully but she was transferred into another unit to 'lead' and 'herd' the people there. She even said that she was put there to 'control' the people there. Like, dude, you don't even know about the things that these people do. Calm the fuck down.

The guy, who is an EM by profession, is probably one of the biggest assholes I've ever met in my life. Credit grabbing is his thing. I once had an experience with him wherein I made all of the maps but he just casually say in the meeting that he did it himself. Don't worry, I did not laughed at that because I am bigger that that. Haha. This person held a lot of 'managerial' positions but every single time, it keeps on being dissolved since he doesn't know shit. He was hired in the company because a relative of his knows the VP. Now you'll get why despite of all his incompetency (managing clients, after sales, technical support, financial modelling and etc), he is still here.

This guy, who's basically having an affair with the secretary, is the laziest among the three. He's an IE by profession, managing all our documents but...oh well, he doesn't do shit. He even asks us all the time to upload our documents on the drive when that's basically his job, that's the only thing he's doing and supposed to be doing. When we were still doing the office reporting, I always see this guy reading mangas at work, casually going out to get coffee and doughnuts with the VP, attending meetings and shit ..that's basically his day. To think that this guy is earning around ~70k is beyond me because he's not really doing anything at all except to be always at the beck and call of the VP. That's it.

As for the VP, I hope he changes his ways because it's sayang. I know that I am getting on his nerves because I am resisting so much to his fucking way, even casually saying on meetings that, "Don't be stupid. Don't use italic words on emails because that's only for foreign words." I know that was for me because I am the only one doing that but MY FUCKING DUDE, it's known in the community that for it to be not that harsh, you italized your words instead of fucking underlining or bolding that shit. That's softer but still putting a noticeable emphasis on the word. I also really hate it when he speaks and as if he's the only one who knows a lot of stuff because of his experience. Typical boomer move, imo. Sure, there are things that come from experience but as far as I know, if that generation knows a lot more better things than us, we wouldn't be experiencing all the shittiness we're having right now. 

The VP for the most part should recognized the he's probably doing a lot of mistakes with his management style when every company he joins in and lead closes down. That's probably one sign he should look at. He should also take into consideration how there's a lot of negative feedback about him and how there are a lot of people who hates him and doesn't look back anymore being under him. He should learn humility and just try to be a good person. He can really try this.

Anyway, getting really hungry. Times are really tough lately. Ugh.

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