Friday, March 19, 2021

[Life Blog] Driving: You Need it!


I don't have a car and if I am being honest, I feel like I won't afford to have one even in the foreseeable future. Despite this, I feel like having a license and being able to actually drive properly is an asset for any grown-ass person nowadays.

Not gonna lie, I sometimes see job postings now which requires people to have a driving license and with this, if you're not able to drive, you can be robbed off with the chance of attaining your dream job. 

Anyway, I'm just writing in order to share some reviewers for the TDC in here. I will have three classes for this and not gonna lie, I've looked into some of its 'reviewers' and I am really surprised by the fact that there's still so much to learn about traffic signs despite me basically seeing it every single day.

I just hope that I won't be a negligent driver in the future. I am always afraid of losing my life (or taking away someone else's as well) because of my irresponsibility and errors. Kinda morbid but I don't want that. That's just stupid.

Anyways, here are the reviewers. Might be uploading more later.

Traffic Signs

Professional License Reviewer

Non-Professional License Reviewer

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