Tuesday, March 23, 2021

[Life Blog] Job Hunting is Hell


I guess I just have to put that title as an exaggerated observation even when I don't really think that that's the case for real. Sure, it can be difficult sometimes but I feel like for the most part, I am being very picky.

Let's just say that I am looking for jobs OUTSIDE of the Philippines and of course, that would be extra difficult especially if you have no money or even that fucking UMID. Me being hired almost immediately after graduation, then just changing jobs just after losing the last one less than a week before made me so incapable of applying rigorously. I feel like it has been served to me quite easy. Sure, the job that I got were not really that good but unlike others, I did not actually have to wait on for months to get a new one.

But I am getting tired of this. I just want to get a job that I actually would love and enjoy. Something I can be passionate about. I just don't want to dive in to the next 'best thing' there is. I want to heightened my standards because I am now seeing the results of my poor choices back then. I chose to be comfortable and lazy so here I am, unhappy and at my wit's end.

I want to be a part of an organization that actually makes a difference, something that change the world. It would be environment-related, with coworkers sharing the same mindset of protecting the earth as much as we can and being chill and peaceful in every aspect of the job. Haha. I can work on an NGO, it doesn't really matter if it's not offering a lot of money but seriously, I want to use my degree and my knowledge for the common good.

I am really tired of existing and working just for money. Fuck this shit.

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