Wednesday, March 24, 2021

[Life Blog] The Art of Selling My Things and More


Living in a small room and not an apartment for myself means that I should only keep only a certain number of things. I wouldn't say that I am a hoarder or that I have a really big problem when it comes to buying and keeping things but it is really annoying for me to have tons of stuff lying around in my room.

Since the quarantine, I've been cleaning and cleaning more in my room. I've already sold a couple of stuff that I barely use; notable are the guitar that I stopped playing because my landlady kept on coming to my room when I play it, my tablet that I only used for watching YouTube videos because it has a big screen and the bags that my boyfriend told me to not buy in the first place. I have tons of things that I want to get rid as soon as possible but I don't know yet how.

I was probably an impulse buyer last year because I was bored to death. I keep on buying clothes and painting and drawing materials. The clothes were bought because I was losing a lot of weight last year and I feel like I was already a little bit sexy. A dumb move but I am still a girl deep inside. As for the drawing materials, I was trying really hard to reignite my passion for it again. I have always been an artsy person but also kinda lazy so you get the problem with that. Also sold some of my clothes as well. They are brand new and I sold them for almost half their original prices.

The worst purchase I've done last year was my start-up earring business 'box'. These earrings and everything that I bought for this business venture cost me around P10,000.00. I sold a couple of them already but it's still not that much since I found out, again, that I'm lazy. Haha. If someone's reading this, you can check the instagram account that I created for this 'brand'. It's really hard to promote things and I am not one to spend lots of money for promotion of my brand.

Right now, I have a listing of things that I want to sell on a dummy Facebook account. I don't have my own since I don't really need it socially and the dummy account is okay for selling anyways. I've already sold my dumbbells, 2 pcs and 2lbs each for almost 60% off their original price. Did not even used that at all. Most of the bags were already sold and some of the clothes are for pick up this Monday. I would probably do some more cleaning and sell out brand new stuff that I haven't even touched yet since I bought them.

I am also looking forward for my loooooong break this holy week so that I can pick up some geology books to create reviewers. I really miss doing that.

Anyway, enough of this. I'm going back to my game.

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