Wednesday, June 23, 2021

[Life Blogs] My Old Blogs and Me NOT Practicing Geology Anymore

I received an email from one of the readers of this blog (surprise, surprise) the other day and I honestly was weirded out by that. Not that I think this one sucks but I was reminded that the main purpose of this blog before was to cater to geology graduates preparing for their board exam.

I admit, I was becoming very lax with this blog when it comes to posting about Geology reviewers. One of the reason for that is the lack of time (obvi!) and me literally not having the interest to actually work on something. From time to time I got some inspiration to do some readings and write questions but, as it usually goes, hot turns to cold. I feel like it is a HUGE undertaking for me later on.

I do believe though that I would still write some more Geology content because, even though I really have no real, REAL, real love for the field, it's still an interesting subject (and I have a degree on it). From time to time I am piqued by certain topics and papers and I would probably write something about that. I also have a geologist boyfriend and sometimes he just wakes me up at 6 am in the morning to talk about his escapade in a structural geology lab study somewhere in Germany. He would literally lull me back to sleep with his stories about the papers he read about the geology of Mars, something about faults and materials to use in their experiment. I would watch him excitedly tell me about all these stuff while I try to piece everything together and groggily congratulate him on his little progresses (as he call them).

Anyway, about me not practicing anymore, I guess it stems from the fact that I am unable to do something that I love related to Geology. During my undergrad years, I thought I was made for mine sites; born to be a mine geologist or whatever. I truly believed that as I am not really someone who gets homesick and miss a lot of things I am used to. Unfortunately, my first year of practicing was not that great. I worked for a mining company who was (and still is) using archaic and crude methods of mining. As someone who really feels for the environment (as we all should be), this did not sit well with me. Especially around that time, we were working on their Environmental Management System. It was such a blow on me when I found out that you can literally pay for anything. Not just for this one but every process, paper, license, and permit that you can think of, you can just pay for it to get them. Maybe I'll do a separate blog on this later. So, in short, I was not really a fan of the management so I left. Moved to a government bureau and thought that I would flourish there.

And so I did. For quite some time, I really did. It will just come to a point wherein you'll just got tired of getting your pay late, not being treated equally like the plantilla employees, paying for your own fieldworks (thank God my previous CENRO boss gave me money to conduct my fieldworks. Without which, I would be spending a LOT more) and worrying about your retirement plan and insurance because you have none. Working for the government taught me a lot of things and one those things is that life is really unfair. You'll toughen up after a while. :)

I told myself last December 2019 that that would be my last Christmas without a 13th month pay so as early as November, I started looking or researching for a job that I could take up next. I wanted it to be meaningful, something aligned to what I actually believe in. So when I heard about a renewable company that is apparently one of the biggest and well known in the country right now, I jump the gun and applied. I managed to get hired eventually and I thought I hit the jackpot. It was perfect; pro-environment and pro-Filipino people. I was wrong. I applied for DOE by the way. I don't know anyone in there so you know the drill. Just saying. Haha.

I would want to delve in more with sustainability, management of natural resources, energy efficiency or something along the lines of these fields. I probably need a MSc but I'll figure that out later. For now, I am working on something right now so everything depends on that and the rest will follow.

As for the future of this blog, I am definitely gonna have a lot more opportunities to update this from time to time and upload useful content and not just stories about my life. As I am one of those person who googles everything a lot in order to lessen my mistakes, I feel like I would want to write about doing things more practically or easily. I have a lot of topics in mind but as you know, I currently have no time for it yet. :)

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