Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Updating after almost two months of not posting

 Life was...crazy.

I keep on telling myself that, "Okay, you should really work on some reviewers, your story/novel and your blog while you're waiting for something to happen in your life," but yeah, NOTHING.

I was really unable to pick up my pen and start writing (figuratively, of course). I am just doing the bare minimum schedule that I hold myself accountable. Taking up German lessons, doing my Duolingo daily task, exercising (sometimes, even this I crossed out) and going for a run, making sure that I am not eating rice and working; these are all the things that I try to do daily.

Anyways, I would probably post here more often so that it can take off some pressure on my mind. Hmm. I am currently processing something right now and honestly, it's so frustrating. There are a lot of challenges that I am facing with regards to this that I feel like maybe it's best not to go on with this one but I know in my heart that these should not faze me. These are just struggles, obstacles and maybe life's way in preparing me to a whole lot more struggle because I am going up in another level.

Would probably post helpful information here about taking German lessons for a bit before focusing more on Geology. It's a standstill.


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