Saturday, June 12, 2021

[Life Blog] Candle Obsession

Adulting is a rather strange thing for every millennial that I know of. 
There are a lot of issues to consider why it is harder to do so nowadays but the main reason I can think of is the insane inflation rates vs. the current wage pay vs. the extremely ridiculous cost of living.

With all the stress we're going through right now, some of us are looking for ways on how to relax. Some choose to pick up a hobby, even turning them into something profitable. Some go to the great outdoors and never look back; indeed claiming the nomadic lifestyle. Some even go to the extent of cutting up their connections to the world for some days and go back feeling a little bit refresh only to be ruined by the world again.

If you ask me what I do when I am stressed out, I would answer a few things:
1. I lie down and stressed out some more (which is never good);
2. Try to write and draw (but fails because I am never inspired by anxiousness);
3. Do some crocheting (which also fails because, c'mon, you need to somehow concentrate on this activity a lot more);
4. Exercise or jog (which I do a lot);
5. Overeat (which makes me feel bad about myself); and lastly,
6. Light a freaking candle.

I like scented candles and since it's the title of this blog, I would write about it some more.
Whether they are the cheap ass candles in our Japan store that cost me P66.00 or those herb-scented ones sold in SM Department stores, I really don't care. I just light one up when I feel that I am getting to burned-out. I would rather a candle wick be burnt than myself.

Anyway, it was a sort of health concerns for me for quite sometime because of the issues regarding 'paraffin', you know? But according to this one article that I've read, every major type of candles (paraffin, soy wax, stearin, palm wax and beeswax) were examined for 300 toxic chemicals and they found out that it only released a certain amount of toxic chemical BELOW the numbers that can actually cause human health problems. That's right, I've checked the study myself so you don't have to, lol. This one is conducted by the Bayreuth Institute of Environmental Research in Germany so I have to believe it. Haha. But kidding aside, there are no conclusive evidence that burning candle wax is damaging to our health. But if you're still worried to burn paraffin wax candles, then try plant-based waxes maybe, beeswax or soy wax which is rather common.

As much as I hate the fact that people capitalizes on the groundless study that paraffin waxes are fucking bad for you and then try to sell you ridiculous-looking candles with essences at insane prices, I would still choose to buy the soy wax candles. Not because of it's health benefits claim, it's supposed 'green advantages' or even the advertisement of 'cleaner burn and less soot', but rather its lasting scent inside the room where you light it.

I'll admit that it burns a little bit, JUST a little bit slower, than your paraffin candles but these guys have such strong scents emanating from them. I don't know if it's because of the fragrance oil the makers are using and the amount of it put in the concoction but I just like the smell of them once lighted. Anyways, this is a rather weird blog post because it's really out there. All I want to tell you is that, (1) I like candles and (2) my boyfriend sent me 4 from this store. He got me all the short soy candles that they have and I my current favorite is the Midnight in Paris scent. If you want you can try them.

Also, try to relax in which way you can. Life is really stressful and freaking crazy right now. Worry a little bit lesser than you are doing right now and do something fun today. Maybe pick up a book? Buy your favorite milktea or boba drink? Or, yeah, light up a candle. :)


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