Saturday, June 12, 2021

[Life Blog] Exposing my Workplace

I know that this can be a rather sensitive topic because it involves real people and real life experiences but this is perhaps the only cathartic means I have at the moment.

For quite sometime now, I am just switching between pilot mode to extreme anger/annoyance when it comes to my work. It is extremely mind-numbing and frustrating nowadays. One by one I see my coworkers drop like dead flies and from the previously 50ish staff we have before, we are now only down to 23 (possibly lesser in the next few days). It is a sinking boat and everyone is trying to either get out or make the boat stay afloat. As for me, I feel like I am just a disinterested passenger who casually do her own thing, neither giving her best nor her worst. I am way past beyond the point where I actually care what happens in here because this organization finally and totally lost all of my respect.

I believe in SOME people, I repeat, SOME and not everyone, because I've worked with capable, talented and tireless people. I saw them stand up to every challenges, face every obstacles bravely even to the point where they are taking all the blame and magnificently handles a hopeless case and make it work in the end. Bit by bit, they try to pick up the tails of mismanagement and carry the burden on their shoulders but as it usually goes, people get tired too. I saw how the management failed them, pretty much like a small Philippines. Everyone is expected to pick up themselves on their own with just a little bit of support, sometimes even without it, and expect from them great result. I've seen them struggle all alone when the task at hand is beyond their duties and positions anymore and be blamed when the result is either bleak or disappointing.

Anyway, I don't mind any hardships or whatsoever because that is synonymous to life anyways. I would just love to be around supportive, honest and hardworking people and I am satisfied with that. Unfortunately, that is not the case even in here and it's so toxic to the point where I don't know what the fuck is wrong with these people. The top management are all childish, there is a strong sense of favoritism and promotions are not usually caused by hard work. It's insane and it's indeed a miniature Philippines.

I will write more regarding this. There are a lot more infuriating things that happened in the office.

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