Thursday, July 8, 2021

[Life Blog] Office Chronicles: The Asshole Strikes Again

 It surprises me how people can be so shameless. 

A lot of things happened in the office but I can barely put them into words. Either I don't have the energy to really write about it or I'm just so pissed to even think about what happened.

Yesterday was one of those bad days. This week was a high, considering that my team (which basically only has me at the moment) FINALLY managed to secure an Order of Payment from DOE for a Solar Energy Operating Contract (two of them, actually!). After almost 2 months of back and forth, it's almost over and the issuance of it is right there in the corner. There are still a lot of things to accomplished in the said projects since we only submitted Affidavits of Undertaking for other documents but I know for sure that the Operations team is able to figure it all out.

Going back, yesterday, during our coordination meeting (which by the way is now thankfully scheduled only on Mondays and Thursdays), I was cornered by the VP of our operation. He really ruins everything for everyone. He told me that next time, I should be able to convey information to them properly, that I should already have contracted Geodetic Engineers to work on our technical mappings and that I will be held accountable if the payment for the SEOC will not be released within the week. To tell you honestly, I was really surprised by that. First of all, all information regarding our applications were relayed to them. Remember the daily checkpoint meetings? It was stated there over and over again. Secondly, it is not my fault that he doesn't want to absorb the information we give him because he just wants to rely on the suck up. This suck up dude would literally tell him anything that he wants to hear, therefore ruining his realistic expectation. 

There was this one time where I was invited to a meeting with the second-in-command (or almost) of the company. I was really surprised because this is the first time wherein I would be able to attend such meeting and I don't have any idea what to expect from it. The agenda was only to "discuss problems regarding permitting". I know I am sort of in-charge of this but why only now? Anyway, I was called there asked if the issuance of our permits is on its way. I answered no and told the guy that we haven't even had the confirmation from DOE that the documents are completed already. He asked why OUR team reported that we are able to secure the documents by the end of June (it was already the 3rd week of June, btw) then if that was the case. I blurted out  (thank God, I did), that whoever told him that doesn't know the process and is not aligned with us and I asked him who was it from our team (I have such big balls, you know). Then he said that he forgot but he's sure that someone on our side said it. The suck up then said that it was him. SEE! This bitch reports things just because. I was so mad. Anyway, tangential.

The VP was referring to the fact that I, not his suck up bitch, reported wrong information to him which he then relayed to the management. He was chewed out by the top management for his negligence and his incompetence as a peddler of fake news by the way (lol) and that's why he's acting up. But he's so wrooooong in so many levels. I will bullet my reasons for this below:

  • I presented this shit on them, not once, not twice, not even thrice. Every time they ask me, I answer truthfully. It's not my problem anyways if some documents are not signed immediately. I told them time and time again that the 60 days of processing will run once we submit COMPLETE SETS of requirements.
  • He always tells us that he has no time to listen to our shit. It's not his job anyways and that he's the boss and we should be doing that for him. He's just there to manage us, as per his statement.
  • How come even the clients know that that's the case? He's the only one who seems to be oblivious to this information. Clearly, he's not listening. He has a selective case of deafness, lol.
  • Last point, THERE WAS A BIG, BOLD AND RED PHRASE on our presentation saying that the process will start only once we complete all documents. Then they can start counting the 60 days. -_-
As for the contracting of the Geodetic Engineer for our mapping concerns, this was already raced to them as early as January 2020. WE HAVE RECEIPTS. The most recent email to him regarding our need for this personnel is February 2021 where he said condescendingly that it was not a priority. Now that the second-in-command asked me to look for it immediately, he was acting as if it's my fault that we're just processing this now. He was by the way also relieved of the position to manage the Permits because obviously, he's really incompetent.

Okay, this is it for now. I am getting annoyed again.

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