Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Peter Scully Case [Part 1]

I honestly don't know why I am writing this right now. I am just so pissed upon hearing the newest podcast by my current True Filipino Crime Podcast, Lagim (check their YouTube channel and btw, you can also listen thru Spotify).

It's just so hard to listen to this because the apprehension happened in 2015 and still, up to this day, the trials are still far from over. There was also some British energy coming out of me right now because all I can think of is, "This is utterly vile and disgusting, innit?" Kidding aside, there are a lot of factors why I am choosing to write about this one today while I am trying to rest. It's a mixture of anger, disbelief, frustration and disgust. This is one of those moments where I think that mankind should just disappear in the face of the earth because I think it is better this way.

I will not give you a narrative on who this disgusting piece of shit is; you can easily find that online. Wikipedia already summarizes everything that you need to know about this guy, the proven and 'alleged' cases of online sexual exploitation of children that he did and where he is currently right now. As for the last part, this I am really not sure if he's indeed rotting in jail. The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) in the Philippines is known for its extreme corruption, unfair treatments of its inmates (the rich are treated well, even given pass to attend fucking weddings or other nonsensical excuses) and just about everything that is wrong in the penal system. I don't really want to go deeper into this because it sickens me so we have to move on.

Apparently, the base of Peter Scully was in Mindanao, in Malaybalay amongst different addresses. The victims are girls ranging from 12 years old and below, wherein the youngest known victim was just about one-year-old. The victims came from poverty which is not surprising. There are three known ways on how he lured the children: (1) offers of food, which was directed on street children, (2) promised of adoption, in which deeply impoverished parents gladly offered their children for a 'better future' for them, and, (3) abduction or just simply forcing these children to participate. He has known accomplices, two of them are his supposed girlfriends, underage and Filipinas, who also helped during the abuses that they methodically videotaped and sold online. There are four more who were incited as 'the ones who helped him produced child pornography', (1) Christian Rouche [German], (2) Alexander Lao [Filipino], (3) Althea Chia [Filipino] and, (4) Haniel Caetano de Oliveira [Brazilian]. What they do is 'produced' and most known for is "hurtcore" child pornography which usually involves degrading violence, bodily harm that can sometimes lead to death and of course, molestation and the most gruesome child sexual abuse.

The Anger

What drives me crazy is the fact that the Dutch Police was even the first one to discover this. When his video, "Daisy's Destruction" was first release on mainstream platform, the Dutch National Child Explotation Team thought that the guy filming or in the background was speaking Dutch (the guy was Australian btw). Can you imagine this immediate response? While on the other hand, the Philippine National Police in the area was, well, I don't know, sitting pretty? I don't really want to speak badly about the Philippine National Police but I got to admit, they are fucking trashy, then and now more than ever. I am having this bad vibes in me that someone in the ranks of the police officers there knew about this operation and probably even protecting this guy because it's ridiculous not to know. If they have the ability to know EVERY pickpockets and drug dealers/lords in the bigger cities in the Philippines, I'm pretty sure that an elaborate illegal scheme such as this one, (which generates a lot of money, by the way) is within their radar. Pure allegation but yeah, there is a HUGE CHANCE that there is some truth in here. 

The Disbelief

I still can't believe that in this day and age, parents are still rather negligent when it comes to the welfare of their children. But in the case of the parents involved in this case, the ones who willingly gave up their child to this scum of the earth, they are victims as well.

You can't imagine how helpless I felt when I was listening to the part of the podcast wherein it was described that they gave away their children to Scully "for a chance of a better future; an opportunity to be educated and be well-fed". I am beyond speechless imagining the grief and despair leading to such decision. I am sure that these people are marginalized, the ones Filipino people described as, "isang kahig, isang tuka" (hand to mouth in English) and of course, we have the politicians to blame.

This is my stand when it comes to Filipino politicians: they don't like it when the general populace is well-educated. They don't want the people to have the ability to think highly and deeply for their own good, they just want the basics like being able to read and write. That's it. They don't want us to succeed in life (the current and reigning officials at least), because then a huge majority of us will NEVER EVER vote for these people. I remembered having to interview multiple people on who are they voting for last May 2019 elections and the reason why they are voting for these people. 

Wait for Part 2.

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