Friday, February 19, 2021

[Writing 101] PLOT! PLOT! PLOT!


On my previous blog, I said that I am really excited to write this but I basically have no idea about the timeline of the events or where to start. I'm not even sure why I am writing this in here but I really have to spill this pent up energy from my creative juices (I wish!).

Anyway, I am imagining to start the novel with the ending; a torn up Kingdom of Adustio looking for its savior. I don't think I would like to write a happy ending, not because I'm a killjoy or anything (or I'm French with their love for tragedy), but life as I know it doesn't really ends or concludes like that. I want it to be more raw, touching and appealing to the desire, knowledge and longing of the human heart. I know, I know, I am really trying to be deep in here but I want it to be a kind of novel that Ken Follett would write (lol). Seriously, the first two books of the The Pillars of the Earth series (that's book one and World Without End) are probably two of the best books I've read so far. I mean, no tea, no shade to Philippa Gregory's The Cousins' War series (YES! I'VE READ THEM ALL and I HAVE ALL OF HER BOOKS ABOUT THE THAT AND THE TUDORS AS WELL! ~fangirling!) but it's light hearted and the emotions I've felt are fleeting. Follett's writing on those two books is really something because I can't still get over with the characters in there. The death of Tom Builder in the first book shook me more than when I first read about the death of Eddard Stark (that broke me but damn, Tom's death was really beautifully and hauntingly written) also, the best plotline, imo, is that of Gwenda and Wulfric in the second book. I mean, how can Follett write something about suffering and unrequited love (for a time of course, spoiler!) in such an irresistible way? I felt I was there, mourning and laughing with them all throughout. Gosh, I got carried away. I'm sorry, I just read a lot of books but these ones really are for keeps. I highly recommend them.

AAAAAAAAAND that's what I want. I want this to tag me along as well to the journey of the characters, feel how they feel, be moved by anything that moves them, love what they love and hate what they despise. I want to feel all sort of emotions in this book. I want to read about death and feel it, something to that extent.

For the plot, as I was saying because I got lost in the tangents, it will slowly start with the current state of the Kingdom and giving the back stories and the reasons behind its downfall. I would like to present the narratives and primary motivations of the characters and the reasons for their choices that lead to what is currently happening in their lives.


Opening: Current state of the Kingdom of Adustio; on the verge of civil war, malcontent from the subjects, ruled by a weak, young and inexperience king. Age-old families trying to preserve the kingdom but one by one succumbing to the troubles of the kingdom.

Chapter 1

  • Election of Bidu of Itri as the King of Adustio and desires of Crown Prince Eamon of Penrod. Both almost got their thrones at the same time, with Bidu elected just one year before the coronation of Eamon for Penrod. 
  • Introduction of the families of Carona and Valourie (23 years before); Vicar Humbert is still new to the Church. Father of Runolf Carona is introduced. Lucrezia newly married to the Baron of Lysoff (Valourie). Count Andamar Valourie and Lady Vesa introductions and marriage.
  • Birth of Peros Alon and his family's hopes for him
Chapter 2
  • Discussion of marriages of Kings Bidu and Eamon (be careful of their ages. :P).
  • Disputes between the Caronas and Valouries. Not like Romeo and Juliet hatred but centered on politics and power grabbing.
  • Marriage of Andamar Valourie to the Princess Inge of Pyla; jealousy of the Caronas because of the powerful marriage (maybe spice it up by adding the then senior family member/leader of the Caronas towards Humbert for entering the Church).
  • Lady Vesa being woed by the Caronas as a possible bride for a yet unnamed Carona family member.
  • Description of the rule of Bidu in Adustio.
Chapter 3
  • More politics and shit; growing desire of Eamon to have a claim (or at least influence the neighboring Kingdom of Adustio); he started surrounding himself with influential people in his kingdom who have some sort of influence in Adustio (businessmen selling/trading stuff in Adustio - they will ask too much money for so little; transfer of blames and accountabilities)
  • The magnates of Adustio is getting uncomfortable. The movements of the Kingdom of Penrod against Adustio is getting on their nerves (to say the least). Frustrations towards Bidu is growing as he tries to be on really friendly terms with Eamon (against the wishes of his royal advisers). He claims that he doesn't want to wage war but his advisers pointed out that resisting doesn't always means war.
  • Pressure on Lady Vesa to get married. Birth of the first children of Andamar and Inge. Father of Runolf Carona gets married. Have multiple issues but always results to stillbirth and/or miscarriages.
  • The caravan of the Lois from Leon is introduced. These traders will one day marry off their daughter to the powerful Runolf Carona.
  • Principality of Montagne introduction. Its relationship to the Kingdoms of Penrod and Adustio will be told.
Chapter 4
  • More politics and shit; description of the ruling of Bidu and the question of his marriage (I feel like he doesn't want to get married yet as he's really pinning for a commoner in Itri). He doesn't want to marry anyone from the daughters of the noble families in Adustio as this can worsen the growing discontent in the kingdom and the same goes for marrying one of the sisters of Eamon as well. A princess from the distant Kingdom is being pushed towards him.
  •  Introduction of Thoren and his service to Eamon.
Chapter 5
  • Death of the brother and only sibling of Princess Inge of Pyla (therefore a treaty was entered by the Principality of Pyla with the Count of Halvor that their second male child will be the heir to the principality)

For now, this is all I can think about. I'll add more into this until it's finally shaping up to the plot that I would really like. Would also do some rough draft of the start?? (and maybe even Chapter 1).

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