Wednesday, February 17, 2021

[Life Blog] Wit's End


Lately I've been feeling a whole lot of tired with everything that has been going on around me. I am indeed the personification of being a zombie.

It's the same routine every single day: I wake up at 6am, spend two hours talking to my boyfriend (wish I can have more), attend mindless and sometimes useless meeting from 8 to 9 am (sometimes up until 9:30-10:00), suffer micromanagement throughout the day and end the work day with a lot of anger and resentment. Sometimes, I just know that I am angry even when I feel numb. It's really hard to explain but my work life is really affecting me heavily.

I don't even have the energy anymore to do anything aside from the things that I should do and useless filler activities. Working, watching YouTubes, eating, lying down, thinking, talking to a limited number of people and sleeping, that's all I do lately. I miss my productive self but I just can't lift myself up. I really don't have the energy for anything else. Even exercising is hard right now when I found joy doing it back then.

Just writing this down to let off steam or whatever. What is life? Haha.

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