Tuesday, February 16, 2021

[Life Blog] Office Chronicles: The Psychotic Officemate Strikes Again


You've read it correctly: SHE STRIKED AGAIN.

This bitch is driving everyone crazy around her. We are all at wit's end with her extreme arrogance, selfishness and self-entitlement. I wonder where she's getting the audacity but I feel like there's more from where that's coming from. 

The bitch is testing me, my friends and the whole operations group. I wonder how and why she sees herself as the savior of the Ops when she's basically, well, clueless on how it works. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but this girl works as a secretary all her life, no other experience or whatsoever (except probably for being extremely flirtatious), and now she's saying that she can see a lot of mistakes and that she can solve it all. THE AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH.

Anyway. I just don't know how tor react or what to expect from her performance. She's replacing one of the Project Leads (one of the best) as a whim of the VP (I don't even wanna know why and why he thinks this is a good idea). As a group, we decided that we're gonna give her a chance to prove herself even if we know how toxic she is already. I hope we're not making a really big mistake in here.

She's really one of the worst people that I know of in all my life. Adultery aside (yes, she's probably hooking up with one of the managers who's married already--you can email me and I will expound this), she's really a despicable, disrespectful and just plain horrible person. She's probably good looking if you don't know her but once you get to know her, ugh. 

She's part of the Dream Team that annoys the hell of us. More of that later.


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