Thursday, February 18, 2021

[Writing 101] Characters and Backgrounds


I am really thinking about writing something. Bit by bit at least. I feel like my mind is going numb.

You know that feeling when you think you're being stupid? That's how I feel everyday. Is this depression? Ahaha. Anyway.


This is going to be like a bin of ideas for what I want to write. Just putting this up in here:

  • Kingdom related; just like Game of Thrones but without the dragons, the witchcraft (but with despicable characters) and the magic. I just love me some good deceit, deceptions, traitorous and murderous plot line.
  • Just like Game of Thrones, this is going to be mirrored to a real war. As a history buff, I would relate this to the War of the Spanish Succession. If you're familiar with it, there's a power figure just like Louis XIV and a 'puppet king' (I just like to call him that) Luis I.
  • Probably gonna include some adultery in this and maybe some adult content too (if I can stomach writing it)
Setting: Terra Adustio (you'll probably get why)


King Bidu I - King of Adustio; known to be a kind but weak king in medieval standard; although the kingdom flourished under him, it was mostly because of his powerful magnates. He's backed up by two influential and old families of Adustio who supported his 'election' to the throne; the Caronas and the Valouries.

King Eamon IV - King of the neighboring Kingdom of Penrod; friendly with King Bidu; he tried to installed his second son, Prince Eero, in the throne of Adustio after the death of the childless king, shattering the dreams of the late King's distant relative, Lord Peros of Itri.

King Andonis I - son of Prince Eero who was crowned King of Adustio. Although highly intelligent for his age and probably capable in the long run, he did not stand a chance against his controlling grandfather. He was expected to grow up as soon as possible. Crowned when he was just ten years old, King Bidu's trusted advisors 'adopted' the young King and work hard for him.

Prince Eero - second son of King Eamon and his favorite child out of his ten children. His father has great hopes for him, even preferring him over his first son, Crown Prince Ethelbert. During his 'campaign' for the throne of Adustio, he has shown great promise both in leadership, intelligence, judgement and demeanor. The noblemen of Adustio already elected him as their king but he died suddenly, just 30 days before his coronation. The nation wept for the strong King they have hoped to have after 23 years under King Bidu's reign.

Lord Peros Alon of Itri - distant relative of King Bidu; second cousin, thrice remove. Upon learning that his cousin took the throne of Adustio, Lord Peros started ingratiating himself towards the king. He was only seventeen when he swore that he will be King of Adustio no matter what it cost him.

Vicar Humbert Carona - a man of cloth but considered to be the 'leader' of the Carona Family. His strategic planning and cunning allowed him to carry the family's legacy with pride and honor. Neither ruthless nor kind, he's chosen to be King Andonis' Chief Advisor.

Runolf Carona, Marquess of Oeste - He was promised to marry Cosima Valourie but she died unexpectedly due to consumption. He's known to be a good statesman and gifted in the arts and law. He is highly considered to be the next in line for the position of Vicar Humbert in the Carona Family.

Lady Vimala Carona (nee Lois) - A daughter of a trading family of Lois from the distant Kingdom of Leon, Vimala married Runolf Carona, the Marquess of Oeste. Although her family has amassed a considerable wealth in their tannery business, she's considered to be 'too' low class for Runolf. All her married life, she will prove that she's deserving to be a part of the influential family of Carona.

Baroness Lucrezia Valourie of Lysoff - She's the senior member of the influential Valourie clan. Tactless and deceitful, she's considered to be more of a liability than an asset to the family. She's the caretaker of the two rulers of the Valourien seats, the Counties of Halvor and Rialta, in their age of minority. Her constant search for validation is her greatest downfall.

Count Adroa Indir-Valourie of Halvor - The fourteen-year old who struggles to keep his county afloat whilst still under the control of his aunt, the Baroness of Lysoff. Together with his half-sister Solana, he's a staunch supporter of King Andonis I. He can't stand the Caronas and highly disapproving of the possible match between Solana and Runolf after their elder sister died. 

Countess Solana Vania-Valourie of Rialta - An heiress on her own right due to her mother's inheritance, Solana was caught in two clashing interests: her desires to serve his late father's legacy and following her dying mother's wishes. The Principality of Pyla is waiting for her, with her cousin, the Count of Weitra.

Lady Vesa Valourie of Kirkangle - the sister of the late Count Andamar Valourie and aunt of Solana and Adroa. She is close to the dying Princess Inge of Pyla and instructed to take care of her children because she really doesn't trust the elderly Baroness Lucrezia. An observant and quiet figure in the background, she will write annals of the Adustio Kingdom.

Duke Thoren of Dunrod - nephew of King Eamon IV, eldest son of the King's younger and deceased brother. He's a staunch supporter of the King, sometimes even beyond reason. He's known in his duchy to be a negligent statesman, passing all his duties to his wife, the Duchess Isola.

Duchess Isola of Dunrod (Lady Montagne-Ianira) - daughter of the Prince of Montagne, Isola came to Penrod to marry the then heir to the Duchy of Dunrod, Thoren, Count of Devran. She was unaware of the on-going illicit affair between her husband and the king's royal mistress, Ygraine Notsworth.

Ygraine Notsworth - royal mistress and one of the antagonist of the story (probably even the primary one). She has the ears of King Eamon. Deceitful, cunning and horrible as person, she knew from the very start that she will never amount to anything if she will be remove from the royal household. She aimed to be the king's next wife but she fell for the married Thoren of Dunrod.


That was actually fun to write. A bit of a hassle since I kinda have to research some names and try to make it as close as possible to the inspiration of each characters. I am really excited to start a little summary for this which I will try to revamp over and over again until I get the best result for myself.

That Ygraine character kinda reminds me of Madame de Pompadour. Let's see if I can make her as detestable as the inspiration of her character. The other one is still alive. 👌

I will not try to point out which character I kinda 'represent' because it's, well, embarrassing. Haha. Hmm, I am also excited to write about the woes of Isola (a name fitting for her character) and that of King Andonis. I would try to make everyone come alive in this little project of mine.

I actually write quite a few novels before but I haven't really finish one because I'm lazy. At one point I even dreamt about being a writer but I am not as brilliant as the Filipino writers nor the ones who write in English. I guess I am just destined to be a reader.

Phew. I talk so much nonsense. Gonna head out. Feeling hungry.

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