Friday, February 19, 2021

[Writing 101] PLOT! PLOT! PLOT!


On my previous blog, I said that I am really excited to write this but I basically have no idea about the timeline of the events or where to start. I'm not even sure why I am writing this in here but I really have to spill this pent up energy from my creative juices (I wish!).

Anyway, I am imagining to start the novel with the ending; a torn up Kingdom of Adustio looking for its savior. I don't think I would like to write a happy ending, not because I'm a killjoy or anything (or I'm French with their love for tragedy), but life as I know it doesn't really ends or concludes like that. I want it to be more raw, touching and appealing to the desire, knowledge and longing of the human heart. I know, I know, I am really trying to be deep in here but I want it to be a kind of novel that Ken Follett would write (lol). Seriously, the first two books of the The Pillars of the Earth series (that's book one and World Without End) are probably two of the best books I've read so far. I mean, no tea, no shade to Philippa Gregory's The Cousins' War series (YES! I'VE READ THEM ALL and I HAVE ALL OF HER BOOKS ABOUT THE THAT AND THE TUDORS AS WELL! ~fangirling!) but it's light hearted and the emotions I've felt are fleeting. Follett's writing on those two books is really something because I can't still get over with the characters in there. The death of Tom Builder in the first book shook me more than when I first read about the death of Eddard Stark (that broke me but damn, Tom's death was really beautifully and hauntingly written) also, the best plotline, imo, is that of Gwenda and Wulfric in the second book. I mean, how can Follett write something about suffering and unrequited love (for a time of course, spoiler!) in such an irresistible way? I felt I was there, mourning and laughing with them all throughout. Gosh, I got carried away. I'm sorry, I just read a lot of books but these ones really are for keeps. I highly recommend them.

AAAAAAAAAND that's what I want. I want this to tag me along as well to the journey of the characters, feel how they feel, be moved by anything that moves them, love what they love and hate what they despise. I want to feel all sort of emotions in this book. I want to read about death and feel it, something to that extent.

For the plot, as I was saying because I got lost in the tangents, it will slowly start with the current state of the Kingdom and giving the back stories and the reasons behind its downfall. I would like to present the narratives and primary motivations of the characters and the reasons for their choices that lead to what is currently happening in their lives.


Opening: Current state of the Kingdom of Adustio; on the verge of civil war, malcontent from the subjects, ruled by a weak, young and inexperience king. Age-old families trying to preserve the kingdom but one by one succumbing to the troubles of the kingdom.

Chapter 1

  • Election of Bidu of Itri as the King of Adustio and desires of Crown Prince Eamon of Penrod. Both almost got their thrones at the same time, with Bidu elected just one year before the coronation of Eamon for Penrod. 
  • Introduction of the families of Carona and Valourie (23 years before); Vicar Humbert is still new to the Church. Father of Runolf Carona is introduced. Lucrezia newly married to the Baron of Lysoff (Valourie). Count Andamar Valourie and Lady Vesa introductions and marriage.
  • Birth of Peros Alon and his family's hopes for him
Chapter 2
  • Discussion of marriages of Kings Bidu and Eamon (be careful of their ages. :P).
  • Disputes between the Caronas and Valouries. Not like Romeo and Juliet hatred but centered on politics and power grabbing.
  • Marriage of Andamar Valourie to the Princess Inge of Pyla; jealousy of the Caronas because of the powerful marriage (maybe spice it up by adding the then senior family member/leader of the Caronas towards Humbert for entering the Church).
  • Lady Vesa being woed by the Caronas as a possible bride for a yet unnamed Carona family member.
  • Description of the rule of Bidu in Adustio.
Chapter 3
  • More politics and shit; growing desire of Eamon to have a claim (or at least influence the neighboring Kingdom of Adustio); he started surrounding himself with influential people in his kingdom who have some sort of influence in Adustio (businessmen selling/trading stuff in Adustio - they will ask too much money for so little; transfer of blames and accountabilities)
  • The magnates of Adustio is getting uncomfortable. The movements of the Kingdom of Penrod against Adustio is getting on their nerves (to say the least). Frustrations towards Bidu is growing as he tries to be on really friendly terms with Eamon (against the wishes of his royal advisers). He claims that he doesn't want to wage war but his advisers pointed out that resisting doesn't always means war.
  • Pressure on Lady Vesa to get married. Birth of the first children of Andamar and Inge. Father of Runolf Carona gets married. Have multiple issues but always results to stillbirth and/or miscarriages.
  • The caravan of the Lois from Leon is introduced. These traders will one day marry off their daughter to the powerful Runolf Carona.
  • Principality of Montagne introduction. Its relationship to the Kingdoms of Penrod and Adustio will be told.
Chapter 4
  • More politics and shit; description of the ruling of Bidu and the question of his marriage (I feel like he doesn't want to get married yet as he's really pinning for a commoner in Itri). He doesn't want to marry anyone from the daughters of the noble families in Adustio as this can worsen the growing discontent in the kingdom and the same goes for marrying one of the sisters of Eamon as well. A princess from the distant Kingdom is being pushed towards him.
  •  Introduction of Thoren and his service to Eamon.
Chapter 5
  • Death of the brother and only sibling of Princess Inge of Pyla (therefore a treaty was entered by the Principality of Pyla with the Count of Halvor that their second male child will be the heir to the principality)

For now, this is all I can think about. I'll add more into this until it's finally shaping up to the plot that I would really like. Would also do some rough draft of the start?? (and maybe even Chapter 1).

Thursday, February 18, 2021

[Writing 101] Characters and Backgrounds


I am really thinking about writing something. Bit by bit at least. I feel like my mind is going numb.

You know that feeling when you think you're being stupid? That's how I feel everyday. Is this depression? Ahaha. Anyway.


This is going to be like a bin of ideas for what I want to write. Just putting this up in here:

  • Kingdom related; just like Game of Thrones but without the dragons, the witchcraft (but with despicable characters) and the magic. I just love me some good deceit, deceptions, traitorous and murderous plot line.
  • Just like Game of Thrones, this is going to be mirrored to a real war. As a history buff, I would relate this to the War of the Spanish Succession. If you're familiar with it, there's a power figure just like Louis XIV and a 'puppet king' (I just like to call him that) Luis I.
  • Probably gonna include some adultery in this and maybe some adult content too (if I can stomach writing it)
Setting: Terra Adustio (you'll probably get why)


King Bidu I - King of Adustio; known to be a kind but weak king in medieval standard; although the kingdom flourished under him, it was mostly because of his powerful magnates. He's backed up by two influential and old families of Adustio who supported his 'election' to the throne; the Caronas and the Valouries.

King Eamon IV - King of the neighboring Kingdom of Penrod; friendly with King Bidu; he tried to installed his second son, Prince Eero, in the throne of Adustio after the death of the childless king, shattering the dreams of the late King's distant relative, Lord Peros of Itri.

King Andonis I - son of Prince Eero who was crowned King of Adustio. Although highly intelligent for his age and probably capable in the long run, he did not stand a chance against his controlling grandfather. He was expected to grow up as soon as possible. Crowned when he was just ten years old, King Bidu's trusted advisors 'adopted' the young King and work hard for him.

Prince Eero - second son of King Eamon and his favorite child out of his ten children. His father has great hopes for him, even preferring him over his first son, Crown Prince Ethelbert. During his 'campaign' for the throne of Adustio, he has shown great promise both in leadership, intelligence, judgement and demeanor. The noblemen of Adustio already elected him as their king but he died suddenly, just 30 days before his coronation. The nation wept for the strong King they have hoped to have after 23 years under King Bidu's reign.

Lord Peros Alon of Itri - distant relative of King Bidu; second cousin, thrice remove. Upon learning that his cousin took the throne of Adustio, Lord Peros started ingratiating himself towards the king. He was only seventeen when he swore that he will be King of Adustio no matter what it cost him.

Vicar Humbert Carona - a man of cloth but considered to be the 'leader' of the Carona Family. His strategic planning and cunning allowed him to carry the family's legacy with pride and honor. Neither ruthless nor kind, he's chosen to be King Andonis' Chief Advisor.

Runolf Carona, Marquess of Oeste - He was promised to marry Cosima Valourie but she died unexpectedly due to consumption. He's known to be a good statesman and gifted in the arts and law. He is highly considered to be the next in line for the position of Vicar Humbert in the Carona Family.

Lady Vimala Carona (nee Lois) - A daughter of a trading family of Lois from the distant Kingdom of Leon, Vimala married Runolf Carona, the Marquess of Oeste. Although her family has amassed a considerable wealth in their tannery business, she's considered to be 'too' low class for Runolf. All her married life, she will prove that she's deserving to be a part of the influential family of Carona.

Baroness Lucrezia Valourie of Lysoff - She's the senior member of the influential Valourie clan. Tactless and deceitful, she's considered to be more of a liability than an asset to the family. She's the caretaker of the two rulers of the Valourien seats, the Counties of Halvor and Rialta, in their age of minority. Her constant search for validation is her greatest downfall.

Count Adroa Indir-Valourie of Halvor - The fourteen-year old who struggles to keep his county afloat whilst still under the control of his aunt, the Baroness of Lysoff. Together with his half-sister Solana, he's a staunch supporter of King Andonis I. He can't stand the Caronas and highly disapproving of the possible match between Solana and Runolf after their elder sister died. 

Countess Solana Vania-Valourie of Rialta - An heiress on her own right due to her mother's inheritance, Solana was caught in two clashing interests: her desires to serve his late father's legacy and following her dying mother's wishes. The Principality of Pyla is waiting for her, with her cousin, the Count of Weitra.

Lady Vesa Valourie of Kirkangle - the sister of the late Count Andamar Valourie and aunt of Solana and Adroa. She is close to the dying Princess Inge of Pyla and instructed to take care of her children because she really doesn't trust the elderly Baroness Lucrezia. An observant and quiet figure in the background, she will write annals of the Adustio Kingdom.

Duke Thoren of Dunrod - nephew of King Eamon IV, eldest son of the King's younger and deceased brother. He's a staunch supporter of the King, sometimes even beyond reason. He's known in his duchy to be a negligent statesman, passing all his duties to his wife, the Duchess Isola.

Duchess Isola of Dunrod (Lady Montagne-Ianira) - daughter of the Prince of Montagne, Isola came to Penrod to marry the then heir to the Duchy of Dunrod, Thoren, Count of Devran. She was unaware of the on-going illicit affair between her husband and the king's royal mistress, Ygraine Notsworth.

Ygraine Notsworth - royal mistress and one of the antagonist of the story (probably even the primary one). She has the ears of King Eamon. Deceitful, cunning and horrible as person, she knew from the very start that she will never amount to anything if she will be remove from the royal household. She aimed to be the king's next wife but she fell for the married Thoren of Dunrod.


That was actually fun to write. A bit of a hassle since I kinda have to research some names and try to make it as close as possible to the inspiration of each characters. I am really excited to start a little summary for this which I will try to revamp over and over again until I get the best result for myself.

That Ygraine character kinda reminds me of Madame de Pompadour. Let's see if I can make her as detestable as the inspiration of her character. The other one is still alive. 👌

I will not try to point out which character I kinda 'represent' because it's, well, embarrassing. Haha. Hmm, I am also excited to write about the woes of Isola (a name fitting for her character) and that of King Andonis. I would try to make everyone come alive in this little project of mine.

I actually write quite a few novels before but I haven't really finish one because I'm lazy. At one point I even dreamt about being a writer but I am not as brilliant as the Filipino writers nor the ones who write in English. I guess I am just destined to be a reader.

Phew. I talk so much nonsense. Gonna head out. Feeling hungry.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

[Life Blog] Wit's End


Lately I've been feeling a whole lot of tired with everything that has been going on around me. I am indeed the personification of being a zombie.

It's the same routine every single day: I wake up at 6am, spend two hours talking to my boyfriend (wish I can have more), attend mindless and sometimes useless meeting from 8 to 9 am (sometimes up until 9:30-10:00), suffer micromanagement throughout the day and end the work day with a lot of anger and resentment. Sometimes, I just know that I am angry even when I feel numb. It's really hard to explain but my work life is really affecting me heavily.

I don't even have the energy anymore to do anything aside from the things that I should do and useless filler activities. Working, watching YouTubes, eating, lying down, thinking, talking to a limited number of people and sleeping, that's all I do lately. I miss my productive self but I just can't lift myself up. I really don't have the energy for anything else. Even exercising is hard right now when I found joy doing it back then.

Just writing this down to let off steam or whatever. What is life? Haha.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

[Life Blog] Office Chronicles: The Psychotic Officemate Strikes Again


You've read it correctly: SHE STRIKED AGAIN.

This bitch is driving everyone crazy around her. We are all at wit's end with her extreme arrogance, selfishness and self-entitlement. I wonder where she's getting the audacity but I feel like there's more from where that's coming from. 

The bitch is testing me, my friends and the whole operations group. I wonder how and why she sees herself as the savior of the Ops when she's basically, well, clueless on how it works. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but this girl works as a secretary all her life, no other experience or whatsoever (except probably for being extremely flirtatious), and now she's saying that she can see a lot of mistakes and that she can solve it all. THE AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH.

Anyway. I just don't know how tor react or what to expect from her performance. She's replacing one of the Project Leads (one of the best) as a whim of the VP (I don't even wanna know why and why he thinks this is a good idea). As a group, we decided that we're gonna give her a chance to prove herself even if we know how toxic she is already. I hope we're not making a really big mistake in here.

She's really one of the worst people that I know of in all my life. Adultery aside (yes, she's probably hooking up with one of the managers who's married already--you can email me and I will expound this), she's really a despicable, disrespectful and just plain horrible person. She's probably good looking if you don't know her but once you get to know her, ugh. 

She's part of the Dream Team that annoys the hell of us. More of that later.


Monday, February 15, 2021

Snippets a Day: Am I able to finally finish a noble?


It's only February 16th, day 47 of the year. I would still be able to work on something on the creative side. I mean, yes, I'm also doing some crocheting, practicing before working on the scarf that I would give my boyfriend for his birthday this December for winter but I want something challenging, you know?

So I'm gonna start writing a noble. I already have something in mind and the characters are based on people that I know in real life. It would be easy to guess who's who if you know me but at the same time, I also feel like it would be challenging.

I would start with the characters later tonight. 

As for the reviewers, I'm still sorting out my geology books and I just want to give everything away, FOR REAL.

I don't want them anymore. HAHA.

Promises! Promises!


I promised before that I would write everyday. For quite some time I've been good but as you know, life happened. I got sick for quite some time, work was overbearing (and so did everyone in there) and I just had no motivation or whatsoever to get up and be productive.

I don't want to diagnose myself with depression or something but maybe this is it. I may be not the most positive person there is but I at least can turn around my feelings when I think about all of the good stuff but this time, I feel like everything is just caving in. It's really harder and harder to be a zombie each day.

Anyway... I don't really want to rant in here. I have no energy for that. I just want to say quite a few things:

  1. Don't waste your Spotify Premium. Listen to helpful podcast.
  2. Go out. (I know there's a virus out there but I'm not telling you to touch everything. For the love of God, go out and see the outside)
  3. Friends can be found anywhere, everywhere.
  4. My boyfriend is the coolest person I've known (so far).
Let's discuss these one by one in a very awkward way since I can't really edit the previous list in the way I want it to.

Don't waste your Spotify Premium. Listen to helpful podcast.

I was visiting a friend and while we're preparing our merienda, she connected her phone on a bluetooth speaker. She started blasting out some new songs that I don't really know (I don't know how I can't really listen to new songs unless I am forced to). All of a sudden, after a couple of songs, I've heard an ad.
"What? You don't have premium?" I asked.
She raised an eye on me and laughed, "That's just a waste of money. You have it?"
"Yeah. I don't think I would be able to stand it if there's ad in there."
"Okay. Do you also listen to podcast too? If it's just song, you're just wasting money."
I then retorted back with a generic excuse (forgot what it was but I feel like it was something to do with my boyfriend's playlist).

It was just then that I realize that I should utilize my Spotify and listen to podcasts. I mean, I listened for awhile back then to F1 interviews but after that, it's just me repeating my favorite songs over and over again (Barcelona by Ed Sheeran haha). After our talk, I decided to look for a podcast that I can actually listen to. I started out with some Hollywood dark shits (Judy Garland and her woes on the set of The Wizard of Oz and Shirley Temple's Short Dresses) and some unsolved murder mysteries (yep, very interested in this).

So far, and I don't even know how I even stumbled upon this, I really enjoyed the Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques of Standford Graduate School of Business. I've enjoyed everything that I've listened in there but my favorite would be Glenn Kramon's interview. The title of it is, Writing to Win: How to Quickly Capture Readers and Keep Them Engaged. He was really funny, charming and I really learned a lot. I am trying to use the learnings in my emails btw and would also start journaling again. A younger me spend majority of my time writing a lot of poems, short stories, a couple of novels (didn't finished a single one though) and plots of Sims games.

But yeah. The main thought is use your Spotify Premium wisely. Haha

Go out.

Hmm. With the pandemic and all, I feel like people will say that it's rather insensitive to go out and have some fun. I'm not telling you to do that. What I'm telling you is to go out, get some fresh air, cleanse your mind, go for a jog and look at the flowers.

Just wash your hands afterwards. Maybe even take a shower.
I feel like you know what I mean. We are so prone to depression nowadays and anything that can lift your self up is good for you. Have a little fun once and a while. 

Friends can be found anywhere, everywhere.

I don't even know how to begin this with. I don't want to disclose too much because, OMG, I am affiliated with something so sinister at the moment (and yes, this is just me overacting). Kidding aside, a Work From Home setting is probably the most toxic thing I've ever experienced. 

I have to attend a daily checkpoint meeting, be kinda like an on-call personnel, attend more meetings, experience your coworkers toxic behaviors, attend more meetings, answer repetitive questions from your boss over and over again, attend more meetings, being accused of not working at all during work hours, attend more meetings, being reprimanded for not replying to someone or not calling back when it's your day off/you have an emergency/it's the holiday/you're on forced leave and attending more stupid and worthless meetings.

Despite everything, I feel like a strong camaraderie was formed between my colleagues and I in the Operations Group. We are being heated together, forged in a smoldering fire and being beaten over and over again. We've experienced (and continue to do so) a lot of toxic shit during the past months but we never failed to lift each others up, bring good cheer and spirits onto each other and try to make the best of a bad situation.

Not gonna lie, one of the best people in the OG finally decided to quit to just start his business and that broke all of us. We threw a small party last Wednesday for him, shared some funny gossips and office rumors and laughed a lot. Of course some can't join because they are not based in Manila but we had our little E-numan last Thursday where our Senior Ops Manager threw a farewell for him and we're all there. Tears were shed while I laughed to lighten up the mood. It's kinda weird for me when people cry so I just laugh. Haha.

These people really became close to me. I especially feel close to my future partner supervisor who's really cool and the Cool Girl I was talking about on one of my previous blogs. We always go out during Wednesdays after office hours, shares some good food and good gossips (lol). I never knew I would be this close to them.

My boyfriend is the coolest person I've known (so far)

I know that I am writing this online and there are probably people that can read this but this my little space in the interweb. I don't care if this is going to be corny/cringey. Lol.

I feel like I would need to write a separate entry for this but I just can't resist. This will work out for now.

In the little room that I stay in all day, I have my desk with my notebooks on top of it, my little stationary separator, lipstick holder, a vase with my flowers for the week, a big ass mirror and a couple of other things that I kinda need. 

When I look up from my laptop, I will see myself in the mirror. I would of course wince because I'm just an ugly sight (lol). The flowers attracts my eyes on the left side especially when they are white. My cellphone stand is just right beside it and my eyes would dart to it from time to time just to see who remembers me (or who's bugging me). But on my right, taped on the calendar that I took from the office, was a little photo of my boyfriend I took candidly, smiling with his teeth out. It's just one of the many photos I screenshot while we're in the middle of our Google Meets calls. When I am all stressed out, this photo never fails to make me smile.

It's kinda cliché to say that he has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen but that's just how I feel. Seeing him smile fills me with joy.

You may be asking what's the point of this story, what's the reason why I think he's the coolest person I know. It's really difficult to put it into words but all of his little intricacies, his little quirks and all of the little things he does for me made me conclude this: he's the coolest person I know.

He makes me feel so love and secure in his love despite the overwhelming distance between the two of us (although my false thoughts still scare me). He comforts me when I go crazy and get mad at everything around me. He tries to understand me even when I can't even understand myself. It feels as if I am now experiencing the love that I so desire but I feel I don't deserve.

HAHAHA. I know. It's weird for me too, writing this. But before I end this blog entry, I will just share a little fight between the two of us. This is something that I will probably quote on our anniversary. It's just a good story:

I was complaining to him a lot because he's not really acknowledging monthsaries. My little insecure self was feeling terribly unimportant so I kinda lashed out on him (I know, I'm so stupid). He was really surprised because he said that he doesn't think that it's important or whatever, that he feels like anniversaries should be the only thing that couples celebrate to mark their milestones in a relationship. He then asked me what I want him to do, if I want him to make a big deal out of it. I told him that he can do so only if he wants to. He said that he probably won't change his opinions since he doesn't get the idea of it. Annoyed, I just said that never mind then, we should just forget and move on from the discussion. He then asked me (of course, when he said it, he used better words but this is the gist, JUST GO WITH IT!), "Why would you worry about a single day in a month when I am trying to love you properly each day? What makes that day more special than the rest?"

I wasn't able to respond to him when he asked me that. Probably because it was a rhetoric and he goes on explaining himself. Haha. But you get me. I was just dumbfounded and overwhelmed. I feel like I have no room for complaints anymore. He was telling the truth: he's just trying to love me right every day. I just can't believe my luck.

Anyway, that's awkward but damn, he's really something. 

See you later.