Monday, September 27, 2021


I started biking. Yey!

I have been deeply influenced and encouraged by a good friend (met on Reddit and now hanging out every few days or so) to do some biking last July. This toxic (lels) friendship started when we decided to casually meet one day to have a little work out sesh (I run every night in Mandaluyong Circle if it's not raining) instead of giving in to our unhealthy obsession with unlimited Korean bbq. He took his bike with him that night and he ran with raspy breathing. Weirded the shit out of me because he bikes and yet he has no stamina for running. ANYWAY, not really important. Haha.

I know how to bike because I've been doing so since I was like 4 or something. I think I even lost my "virginity", and by virginity, I mean my intact hymen, due to biking. TMI, I supposed, but there was blood and I was sore for days. That was when I used a mountain bike with a really high saddle for my nimble and tiny body. Haha. There's a lot of unnecessary tangents in here but yeah, I do know how to bike.

He "budol" me on the weekend after my birthday telling me that we should go out biking and take out some Hongkong deli. His treat, he said. As I am one who never say no to free food, of course, I went with him. He lend me his MTB, a Giant bike of 2019, and away we rode. I was really nervous to do some biking on the main roads due to some childhood trauma (almost got hit by a motorcycle while idiotically crossing the road because I just steered without looking). Got home safely anyway and have some feast afterwards. That's the start. It has been two months since and I have already did an 80+~ kilometer ride from Manila to Wawa, Rizal. It was insane. I have never been out this much in my life.

I now got a bike of my own. It's a cheap but reliable locally-made bike that's probably too big for me. It's a 29er but luckily, my long legs got me. Still practicing on riding with a high saddle since I am still a scaredy cat, if I am being honest. I still wish to use my foot to wait on traffic lights but a low saddle height isn't really advisable for long rides. I need to learn to be brave. 

Currently, I am now believing in my friend's statement, "Walking is so overrated". I now take my bike everywhere I go. Even when I am just buying something nearby, lol.

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