Sunday, September 12, 2021

What's New

It's been quite awhile since the last time that I wrote in here.

Honestly, I was doing really fine. Getting out a lot more and not thinking too much about life. Work still sucks a little bit due to some people from the management that makes my heart sick (they don't know what they're doing and they shout and talk really fast which confuses me) but all in all, life is great.

I also cancelled my appeal to the Danish Immigration Board and that really pulled a huge thorn on myself. It was not meant to be and that's the reason why it did not worked out.

I don't know what the future holds for me but I am feeling a whole lot better about life. It's not as bleak as before and I am a whole lot hopeful about it. Meeting new people, picking up a new hobby and going out and doing lots of physical exercise really made a difference to me.

Just counting the days till 2022 and hoping for a better future for me.
Still a little bit confused with what I want to do with my life but at least, I am hopeful. Life is more exciting now, ngl.

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