Monday, August 9, 2021

[Life Blog] The Journey: Looking for Your Host Family and Where should you look for exactly

Immediately, after getting the rejection letter from the university I applied to (I got in but not the scholarship so...I can't really attend it anyways), I look up the au pairing thing online. It has been in my radar since 2016 but back then, I was still full of hope for my 'chosen' career path and let's be honest, I am kinda tied down because of my responsibilities to my family. It was never an option back then.

When I really think about it, I am quite lucky when it comes to the search for a host family.  I started the search on April 1, 2021, the moment I got the rejection letter. I talked to a lot of host family and most of them are German families. Well, for those who are knowledgeable with the program, being 26 already doesn't bode well if you want to do a cultural exchange in Germany. They are only allowing 18-26 year old people with A1 language certificate. With the COVID and all and me studying the German language on my own, I of course wouldn't be able to make it since I turned 27 last July. It was sad but then again, that is life's way of telling you that there is a whole new different and PERFECT path just for you.

So, are you looking for your host family? Maybe this list of sites can help you find one.

1. Au Pair Websites

There are a lot of au pair websites out there. Some are paid, some are free. Imo, the best ones are the paid ones because then, you will have the opportunity to contact your family directly.

I signed up to only two sites; Aupair and Aufini. Honestly, I can't really sign up on other sites such as because I feel like they are blocking Filipinos from sending their profiles in there. This is of course an alleged case but I've read a lot of post  on Facebooks haring the same experience. has a lot of profiles. Although this is the case, I feel like most of them are inactive or just forgotten by the host families. I talked to a lot of families in here and as I mentioned before, most of them are German. They liked me but I am not qualified because of age and the missing requirements. There are also families who politely declined as I am still currently in the Philippines, something that I don't really understand. When you think about it, being an au pair is a cultural exchange. Why would you not take someone who's currently living in their own country and just choose someone who's already in the EU? Why not give chance to others? I am not saying that the Filipinas doing their au pair thing for quite some time now are to be blamed but clearly, they already have all the cultural experience that they can get in their host countries or the EU countries nearby.

As for Aufini, I signed up at Aufini later on when I saw a Facebook post suggesting to try it out since that person got her host family thru there. I opted to pay for the subscription fee or something since that's the only possible way for you to contact families in there (unless of course they contacted you first). I chose the 1 month plan which cost me around P500.00. I don't know if I was just being cocky or what but I told myself that in the span of 30 days, I should be able to get a host family for me. Of course, although I paid for it, the possibilities of frustration, disappointment and even heartaches are inevitable. I talked to a looooooot of host families. Some of them are polite, some are downright rude, some will just leave you on read. But that's okay. Just like in life, you have to move forward. Oh, by the way, this is the site where I met my host family now. :)

2. Facebook

A lot of people that I've encountered or met during this journey found their host through Facebook. Honestly, this is something that I wouldn't recommend because if you're someone who shares everything in there, I don't think that this would be good for you. You're privacy is kinda invaded, I feel like. Everything about your life is gonna be brought out and laid in front of your future host. I am not saying that it's a bad thing but if you're like me who values their privacy, this is not something for you. Oh, almost forgot to mention one thing, I DON'T EVEN HAVE A FACEBOOK PROFILE to begin with. Haha.

But okay, here are some groups that you can join to look for a host or post an ad that you're available:

The first one is something that I've followed before using a dummy account and it was a really helpful one. Once you follow it, other groups that you can join as well will appear for you. :)

3. Agencies

There are some Filipino "agencies" offering to match you with a host family in the EU. For this portion, I am NOT gonna post a specific agency because I feel like I am not gonna say a lot of nice things about them. If you want to know more about this issue, read these articles: The Au Pair Recruitment Business Part 1 and Part 2Beware of paying a huuuuge sum of money to these people when you can basically look for your host family on your own. I've heard and read that some people even paid around 50-80k Philippine pesos to get into this cultural thing. Don't do it! Remember, this is a cultural exchange and not a job. You don't have to spend money in here because the host family would be the one to pay for everything (visa might or might not be included, depends on your talk with your host family).

There are several international agencies though which are legit and whom I've known to really match a host family for people I know. Here are some of them:
a. Energy Au Pair - Norway    
b. Sunshine Au Pair Agency - Netherlands
c. Nanny Nina - Netherlands
d. Happy Au Pair - Netherlands

4. Referrals

This is a double-edged sword, imo. It can either be a good or bad thing for you.

If you know someone who's already in EU as an au pair, talk to them if they can refer you after their contract date. If they agree to do it for free, that's good. Kudos to them. If they ask for payment, I would suggest to just walk away and don't let them grow their horns. I've heard several people who are asking for recommendation fees which can range between 10k-50k Philippine pesos. That's a major no-no. 

Anyway, I hope this will help you for your search! You can comment here if you have other questions. I would be willing to help you.

Bye for now!

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