Saturday, April 25, 2020

Taking Online Courses (Part 1)

When I was an undergrad taking my program in Geology, I was really fascinated with Petroleum Geology. It's very interesting, science-y and really picked my brain. I really did enjoy taking that course subject.

I remembered that Agusan-Davao Basin was the basin I chose back then. I remembered reading a lot of articles about it coming from the World Bank and DOE because of its oil and gas potential. We also did some modelling back then of basins and it was really fun. Ah, the good old days when I was still a passionate and ideal student (lol).

Anyway, out of boredom and my sheer interest in learning new things and gaining knowledge, I decided to take online courses. I looked for courses regarding energy because that's my current interest and my line of work.

I found one suitable for me at Coursera. The course is Politics and Economics of International Energy being offered by SciencesPo or the Paris Institute of Political Studies. The course is being thought by Prof. Giacomo Luciani. Anyway, the course is not cheap in my case being the current situation and the massive forced leave being enforced in the whole country because of the pandemic.

So I think really hard because it ain't cheap for your mate. It's a good thing though that Coursera is offering financial aid (sort a scholarship) for its students who really need it. You just have to fill-up forms and be truthful about your current situation.

I got the aid and took the course. I only have one more exam before I complete it and have a certificate for it.

I've learned a lot from this course and I am very excited to share with you my learning/s in the blogs to follow.

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