Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Physical and Mental Well-Being (Quarantine Edition)

Hi, everyone! I know most of us here in the Philippines are getting more and more upset as the days progress in a snail-pace and there's no clear move (or plans even) from the national government to suppress the spread of the virus and to address the situation of the greater portion of the Philippine populace (the marginalize sector).

Not gonna lie, I hate talking about this, even thinking about this, because I do get angry. I don't want to think about all the police brutality incidents, the continuous loaning of this Government to the World Bank when no one can really feel, hear or see where the money's going, the constant threats about declaring Martial Law and the coddling of Winnie the Pooh's subjects here in the country. I mean, c'mon, Filipinos with common sense and those who have eyes can see all the bullshit shenanigans that are happening in the country right now.

This is from Reddit. Credits to the owner

While at home, after listening or reading about the news, I try to calm myself down. It's not easy to be slapped in the face everyday or to be a laughingstock of the world. Hell, Filipinos don't deserve this! There's more to us that most part of the world recognize.

To try to ease my mind from all of this, I usually exercise. It helps me both physically and mentally since I am trying to lose some weight as well. [By the way, I am doing a LCIF (Low Carb and Intermittent Fasting) diet since last January and I've already lose 9kgs. I am also not eating rice anymore and I am feeling a whole lot better. I am getting ready for all the recon I would be doing in the foreseeable future.]

I live in a boarding house and we have a little space where I can work out so I tried looking for vids in YouTube for small spaces. I really like this 20-Minute Butt Lift Workout for Beginners which is uploaded by PsycheTruth. I improvised it a little bit by just doing it in 2 cycles and in 20 reps each. I don't know what these exercise movements are called but you can check it out here:

I am also trying to lose all my arm flab. Have you seen all the videos about having a toned arms in one week? That's a scam. It's not true. Although I do enjoy this 5-minute arm workout by Annie Taylor Efremsky. You can do it anywhere and at least 4-6 cycles a day. Just freaking make sure you have a 2lb weights and not the 4lb ones. I almost died doing that the first day.

A colleague told me to do upper body exercise because it'll help me to lose those arm flab faster than focused arm exercise or 'spot reduction'. I've searched some articles about them and yeah, apparently, doing these types of exercise really helps. Here's one article about it: The 9 Best Ways to Lose Arm Fat

So now, in addition to my booty exercise, I add tricep dips, planks and of course, push-ups. I also push to a daily 20-40 minutes exercise because that helps. I also added yoga because it helps me relax. Bought also a few fiber-rich snacks and dark chocolates. Choco Mucho 100-Calories bar are very good and it has only 7g of carb in it.

For mental health, I read and study a lot. I also have this blog to work on so I am not that bored. But mind you, I am still excited to go outside, eat out and see my family and friends.

That's it for now. Hasta la proxima.

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