Saturday, April 25, 2020

Fresh New Blog! and Tips for Reviewing (Geology)

I admit that I am not the best when it comes to blogging but I promise you, everything will turn around this time (lol).

I have a lot more free time due to the current situation in the world and even though we still don't know if the board exam for geologists this November 17-19, 2020 is still gonna go through, preparing for it is still important.

We're gonna first cover the Geology of the Philippines (I only have the 2010 version) in the following blogs here (and maybe a few interstitial rants and additional stories).

Online processing for the board exam will start on August 19, 2020 with a final submission date on October 16, 2020.

It's not important to memorize a lot of stuff about geology, what matters is the amount of data you're able to read. It's only April, you can start by reading a chapter a day. That's what I did back in 2017. If you're aiming to snatch a place in the Top 10, maybe do something intensive. But I will advise not to study 8-5 a day because it will not really give you the optimum result and, hello, we have short attention span.

In my experience, I studied intensively three weeks before the board exam. I studied 8-5, Monday to Friday for two weeks and lull and prayed for the remaining week before the exam.

Well, anyway, good luck. I will update you more for our schedule with GOP and our new board examiners. (We lost one of our pillars last year, Sir Pena.)

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