Friday, November 11, 2022

Moving Abroad

 Currently, life is promising.

I've never imagined that 2022 is gonna be my year. A lot has change for me. Whether it be financially or mentally, I think everything changed, and keeps on changing, for the better.

The world is bigger now; my perspective no longer caged within a limiting and suffocating box. Everyday I get to meet people from all walks of life. Being able to hear outlandish and courageous stories first hand made me a more accepting person.

There is a lot of going ons in my life. All of a sudden, before me are thresholds of seemingly endless possibilities, choices and places to see. My feet can't and won't stand to just be still. I am always on the go.

For the first time ever, I can truly say that I am happy. There is joy. There is hope

Although some things in the past kinda haunts me from day to day especially now that I am not getting enough sun, I still think that I am able to say that I am way better than who I am a year ago.

This is truly a life-changing experience.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

[Life Blog] Autumn Vibes or "Just Tired with Life" Vibes

 It was crazy that right after summer, I've been feeling so down and unmotivated. I don't even want to move or anything. The "zeal" to see new things and discover new places here in Sweden is gone. I can confidently say that I AM LANGUISHING.

I hate that feeling. I feel like I'm just here, existing. Nothing to look forward for but emptiness and deadly routines. I feel like my mind is slowly diminishing into nothingness. 

With everything that's happening to the world and the freaking temperature here in Sweden, I don't know if I can last through the harsh winter, lol.

Anyway, really not into writing. I have three drafts in here but sadly, not one of them is worthy enough to be published such as this rant.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

[Personal Blog] Creative Mommy Phase

I know it's a little bit weird to say that I'm doing the "mommy living" but sometimes I feel that way. Truly, it's difficult to not feel like a mother who is burdened with two young children that need entertaining at all times. Even though it's technically only 4-5 hours each day during weekdays and maybe 3-5 hours during the weekends.

Every day, I try to think about ways to take their attention away from their iPads or from the SmartTV. I hate that they consume a lot of YouTube videos and I hate that the eldest, who just turned 5 this July, started saying, "what the fuck" all of a sudden. You can't imagine the horror that I felt once he started dropping those F-bombs. I did my best to stay calm, casually dismissing it the first time that I've heard it from him (thinking that it will just go away if you don't have any reactions to it--as most of the things they say at this age) but the second and third time really did it for me. I immediately checked all the videos that he watched and looked if there's a new channel that he just watched recently that is not suitable for young children or tweens. I didn't found any so I reported it to the parents. They told me that he must have heard it from someone during conversations but they did not elaborate any longer. I think I have an idea where he heard it after all.

And so, we paint. We color coloring book sometimes. We go out and play on the playground. I took the youngest, who's only 2, outside and play with bubbles or the watergun. Sometimes we even water plants. From time to time we go to the library and pick up books to read or just do some reading in there. I love that here in Sweden, libraries are per city and you'll find them in the centrum. Centrums are like the town centers and you can find all major establishments and supermarkets there most of the time.

But the whole reason that I am doing this blog post right now is to tell you how we made a whole board game for ourselves, consisting of all the things that the eldest kid, O, really likes.

Just like any other kids, he plays Minecraft. I introduced it to him and life has never been the same ever since. He learned to make a lot of cool tricks and builds just by watching YouTube (it can be helpful at times BUT NOT ALL THE TIME) and sometimes we play together in his server. I love Minecraft personally and it's a game that my boyfriend and I play religiously (if my internet permits it). 

He likes Roblox too. Something that I am not familiar with. I can't understand the game so I just read, or rather skim online, some lores and gameplay of it. So yeah. Haha.

He also plays a lot of Five Nights at Freddy's, watches a lot of Jamesify's videos (who plays GTA5, btw) and of course, Star Wars. I don't even know how it started but I remember telling him about Star Wars when I got so hooked up by The Mandalorian. 

All of these things we combined to create this monstrosity:

We also added some Swedish things

We made everything from scratch, with him coloring most of the figures in here (as I encourage it so that he will not be bored and just go back to watching on the TV while I do this). 

Coloring on the floor since his sister is using the table

Even with the dice, since I really don't want to buy a new one, we just repurposed a Bamse dice from their Mix n' Match game. I cut 5 small pieces of paper, asked him to draw dots on them from 1 to 5 and just leave Bamse's face as the number '6'. The figures, I drew them as well.

My character is the Princess Peach Among Us Crewmate. Don't ask why.

He was so excited when we started this project and he was even more hyped after we finished. The parents, especially the dad, was really amazed that we managed to concoct one, manageable and easy board game for kids. They were so happy to play it even when it wasn't done yet. 

So yeah, my host kid and I did this together. He was included in everything and the whole idea of the game is from his interest. I hope he'll remember this one day that we spend two days creating our very own board game consisting of all the things that he love when he was 5 years old.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Liège Day Trip

During my summer holiday, I found out that I have a lot of time on my own. My boyfriend is studying for an exam for his Masters program and I am not that selfish to force him to do things with me that much. I wanted to visit a proper Belgian city so I decided to choose the closest to Aachen and that was Liège. During my first visit in Germany, I've only crossed the borders (NL, BE, DE) from time to time. Only visited Maastricht, which is a Dutch town, and just step foot on Belgium when I was in the Three-Country Point (Dreiländereck in German)

Drielandenpunt (Dutch)
Me in three different countries all at once

Sint Pieter Fort
Me in Maastricht

Back when I was planning for this trip, I was promised that we will visit Brussels on a different day (which didn't happen due to time contraints) so I guess Liège was fine for me. I booked my Liège trip via Flixbus (so affordable and convenient for a voracious traveller like me!) and then I was all set. It was cheap. I think I only paid 17 Euros back and forth. The town is only an hour away from Aachen so it's really a nice day trip tour.

So, after a 30mins delay from the bus (also the first time that I've experienced this on Flixbus), there I was in Liège. Not to be mean, but this is the dirtiest European city I’ve visited so far. It’s giving me Manila-vibes; with cigarette butts and wrappings everywhere. One has to be also alert because you might step on dog poops and you’ll be wary to stand in corners or walk on seemingly empty alleyways because it smells like pee. This is also the first time in this continent where I feel like I am not safe. There are a lot of seemingly shady people loitering in the area (I've even seen two peopel just casually sitting in front of a kiosk, with their black eyes and bleeding wounds on their faces besides a pool of blood) and men stare at you, as if they're checking you like some goods in the market. It was so weird because I haven't really experienced that in Germany or Sweden. 

The first thing that you'll see when you arrive by bus of train
Liège-Guillemins railway station

Most of the time, staffs won’t be friendly on you if you only speak English and not French. Interactions would be curt and sometimes impolite but of course, it might just be isolated cases. Hopefully.

Provincial Palace (Front)

Liege University - Main

Some French posters I've encountered while walking in the city

St. Paul's Cathedral in Liege

A memorable thing that happened for me though in Liège is when I was circling around the Provincial Palace (previously the Palace of the Prince Bishop) going to the Museum of Wallon Life was when I met a Moroccan guy. I asked him to take a photo of me on the side of the Provincial Palace because it really reminded me of France. We had a little talk then and when he found out that I came from the Philippines, he told me that he was saved by Filipino seamen when he was crossing the sea on his way to Europe. I was so confused at first why he was saved in the middle of the sea (or ocean because I think he was saved in the Atlantic Ocean?) but then he told me that he wanted to work in Europe so he did it. He was in the area as a matter of fact because he has a 13:00 appointment at the Palace of Justice which is behind the Provincial Palace. He's working on his papers to be a legal migrant in Belgium.

Photo taken by the Morrocan guy

After that encounter, I visited the Museum of Wallon Life (everything is in French inside the museum so you need to get an audioguide with you. It's free.) The entrance is 5 Euros and everything inside is about the life of the Wallons. I'm not gonna even try to explain what it is to you but to my best understanding, they are an ethnic group living in Belgium who predominantly speaks French. Maybe just read this Wikipedia article if you're interested. Photos from inside the museum can be found below. Sorry if I didn't took much. I was trying to understand what I was seeing in there.

After the museum, I  went to the Montagne de Bueren. It has a 374-steps staircase and online blogs will tell you that you'll have the best view of the city on top. I guess it's okay but I think there are some buildings blocking your view on top, so yeah. It was really exhausting to climb it that day because the sun was hitting the staircase directly.

According to Wikipedia, 

In 2013, Montagne de Bueren was ranked as #1 on The Huffington Post's list of Most Extreme Staircases.

Another fun fact from the Wikipedia Page is this:  

In July 2020, in response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium, Belgian explorer and adventurer Louis-Philippe Loncke ascended and descended the staircase 135 times carrying a 15 kg backpack, simulating an ascent of Mount Everest. The 9000m climb, which took 65 hours 30 minutes, was meant to show that one could still "trouver des défis physiques près de chez soi" (find physical challenges close to home).

For the full article, click this for the link. 

Me before climbing

Somewhere up there

“Pedestrian is King” here though. I feel like a badass crossing streets because cars stop for you and Stop&Go traffic signs are only used on major highways and intersections.

They do have lovely pastries though. I've never tried the Belgian waffle in this town because I'm not really a fan of it. I just got the chocolate croissant and bought some sweet wine.

I've only visited a couple of spots because I was only there for 5 hours and that's a lot of walking. I was so tired. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Living MY Best Life

 I haven't been here for a while and there's a good reason for that. 

For the first time ever in my life, I feel happy and contented. As if everything is falling into place. I still have some worries, of course, but I find them trivial unlike before. I am living, truly living, for the first time ever.

There is really a huge difference to one's state of mind if you have some kind of "hope". It can be the hope for a generally optimistic stance about the future, hope for the things that will be or just a simple hope that you'll be fine for tomorrow. As for me, I am hopeful for what I am becoming. I saw [and continuously seeing, as a matter of fact], how strong I truly am. I never thought I have it in me to leave everything behind and start a new life thousands of kilometers away from home. I never thought that I would leave my crappy job, that I will leave my comfort zone, that my perseverance will take me places and that loving myself is the beginning of a great realization. Even when as I was boarding the plane to Sweden, I've always thought that my love for my boyfriend is the only reason I was doing it. It took me a couple of sleepless nights to tell myself that I ultimately did it for me. 

Foolish me believes that I can move mountains for someone I love. It is a great sentiment of mine. My fault in this though lies on the fact that I always attributed "someone" to a different person other than myself. I can see myself: flaws and all. Everything became easier and filled with patient once I started to love myself.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

A1 Deutsch PRÜFUNG Result


I passed. I got the result last June. Haha.

It's so weird to finally know that I have my A1. I am currently working on my A2-B1. 

My grade was 98/100; sehr gut. Kinda mad though because I wanted to get 100. Hahaa.

But yeah.

Just updating in here. Reminding myself from time to time that I've already come so far working towards my dreams (or at least a part of it.)

Tips? Maybe another post. Kinda busy atm.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

[Life Update] First Test: Done!

[Rambling ahead]

I feel like I've crammed events in my life these past few months. Also felt a little bit depressed and cynical after the election. 

Time seems so relevant to me these days. I have never counted nor put a lot of importance on a single minute lost back then, as far as I can remember, but now, I am obsessed over one single minute I "waste". Time, at least in my opinion, is somewhat comparable to the Fountain of Youth. Every drop is important; should be cherished. It feels weakening to know when I "spill" some drippings from this seasonal fountain.

I have been studying German for quite some time now. Not really that seriously at first, just trying to familiarize myself with the language, you know? Getting the feel of it, as others would say. It was an okay language in my opinion. I love how harsh and graceful it seems when you speak and listen to it. Quite comparable to the beauty and terrors of Winter.

So since May, I've been preparing intensely for the A1 exam in Deutsch. Studying for 2-3 hours each day seems to be not enough especially when Swedish is also confusing me since that's what I hear 24/7. But I have to do it. It became clear last April when I visited Germany that it is necessary for me to have it. Not to mention the pressure that my boyfriend is putting on me to have the language certificate ASAP since we're targeting B1 this year as well.

Aaaah! What a life it must be if I am not as poor as I am. Although I love the challenges that life gives me because it makes me stronger, I sometimes feel this overwhelming fear, stress and fatigue. Sometimes you just want it to be easy for once BUT then again, more often than not, you are not offered with such luxuries. I, just like most of us, have to work really hard to get what we think we deserve in life.

I took the A1 exam last Thursday, 09.06. Honestly, I feel unprepared, tired and nervous. I've been working 10-12 hours a day since Tuesday, sometimes even 14 hours and I feel like I need to catch a break or something (I didn't get a break this weekend too, by the way). Aside from that, I am starting to feel really sick since I've been nursing a sick and cranky child (honestly! how do we even decide to have offsprings!?). 

And so, I took the exam. It started at 10 and ended just about a minute or two after 12. Honestly, it's kinda easy. Listening is a bit confusing but I know way better than to get confused. Reading and Writing; okay, I guess. STILL scared about the probable results of my Schrieben but very confident with my Lesen. SPRECHEN though... I was so suprised about the other takers.

We were a group of four and I was the only female in that set. I have to say that all three guys are kinda unprepared but so confident to take the exam. I dare say that only one of them actually has the grasp of the language when it comes to speaking. My partner, who is way older than us, was unfortunately ill-equipped. I have to ask several time, "Wie bitte?" because I really don't get what he's trying to say.

Amazingly though, I think I was the only one who made the examiners smile. That's how bad it was. Anyway, still waiting for the result but I think I got it. Maybe not 100% in everything but definitely gonna pass that.

Byeeei. Have to sleep now.

Friday, May 13, 2022

[Opinion] Philippine Election 2022: Fear for the Future

Hindi na ako magi-ingles kasi araw-araw ko naman na ginagawa yun dito habang nasa ibang bansa ako. Hindi ko na rin susubukan masyado na magsaliksik para sa mga isusulat ko ngayon dito. 'Ika nga nila, hubad na katotohanan lang at pighati.

Hindi ko maintindihan yung nararamdaman ko. Dismaya ba 'to? Pagkalungkot? Pero ang sa tingin kong nangingibabaw na damdamin sa ngayon ay TAKOT. Mahirap ipaliwanag ang pangamba. Halo-halo na kasi. Pangamba para sa kasalukuyan, pangamba para sa ibang tao na nasa laylayan at pamgamba para sa hinaharap.

Aaminin ko, umasa talaga ako sa progresibo at may resibong gobyerno sana ni Leni Robredo at Kiko Pangilinan. Umasa ako na kahit anong hirap ng buhay, alam kong ang naibibigay kong parte sa gobyerno ay nailalagay sa maayos. Tulad ng ibang kakilala kong kakampink or pinklawan, hindi lang naman kasi sarili namin ang iniisip namin kaya gusto naming bumoto ng tama. Iniisip namin yung mga taong HIGIT na nangangailangan, yung mga taong kahit anong pagsusumikap, wala talaga. Yung mga taong isang kahig, isang tuka. Kung sarili ko lang rin naman, hindi na ako mamromroblema pa. Ayun nga lang, HINDI AKO BULAG SA KATOTOHANAN SA BANSA NATIN. Mas marami ang mahirap at naghihirap.

Hindi naman ako galing sa mayamang pamilya. Lowest of the low middle class nga ata kami. Nagkataon lang na nasa Maynila ako, Makati to be exact, at may mga oportunidad. Libreng paaral mula elementarya hanggang mataas na paaralan. Libreng mga gamit sa iskwela, lahat. Ang mga iskwelahan din ay nagkalat, meron sa bawat barangay o kaya nasa centro ng magkatabing barangay. Sabi nga noon sa amin, mag-aaral ka na lang talaga. Kahit nga wala kang baon eh, makakapasok ka pa rin. May soup and juice noon sa halagang 5 pesos hanggang makatapos ako ng elementarya. HINDI LAHAT AY MERON NITONG PRIBILEHIYO.

EDUKASYON. Iyan, sa palagay ko, ang kailangan ng bawat isa para magkaroon tayo ng kakayahang makapagdesisyon ng tama at nauukol sa mga bagay-bagay (hal. pagboto). Hindi mo pwedeng sabihin sa akin na parehas ang kapasidad na makapag-isip ng mga taong nakapagsipagtapos at nakakuha ng mataas na pinagaralan kumpara sa mga taong hanggang elementarya lamang o mataas na paaralan ang natapos. Hindi dahil sa dami ng Math, Chemistry, Physics o kung ano pa mang subjects yan sa kolehiyo o mataas na paaralan yan kaya ko to nasabi, kung hindi yung level ng pagaanalitika, pagde-desisyon base sa naibibigay na sitwasyon at pagsusuri ng mga datos na pinipresenta. Iyan ang naide-develop ng "mas" pa kapag mas mataas ang iyong pinagaralan.

Gusto ko ring bigyang diin na ang mga Pilipino ay natural na ma-padrino at madamdamin. Sa aking opinyon, iyang dalawang bagay na yan ang nakakahadlang sa ating pag-unlad. Masyado tayong naka-pokus sa ating mga nararamdaman at ating pinaniniwalaan na nakakalimutan na nating tumingin sa kung ano ba talaga ang totoo sa hindi.

Kaya nakakatakot ang hinaharap. Ngayon, kumakalat na ang mga maling impormasyon. Ginagawa itong "fuel" ng mga masasamang loob o mga taong may pansariling interes para maglikom pa ng mas maraming pera upang maibulsa. Nakakatakot kasi maging ang ating kasaysayan ay pilit na binubura ng mga taong may masamang intensyon o ganid sa kapangyarihan. Nakakatakot dahil ang tanging nais lamang natin ay maging malaya sa paghihirap at maging totoong malayang Pilipinas ngunit ito ay nahahadlangan ng paulit-ulit na maling desisyon tuwing halalan. Nakakatakot na hanggang sa ngayon, na sobrang dali na manaliksik dahil sa "internet", hirap na hirap pa rin tayong malaman ang totoo sa hindi dahil sa mga fake news. Nakakatakot na ang taong bayan na nagluluklok sa mga opisyales na hahawak ng kanilang buhay at hinaharap ay hindi pa rin naaarmasan ng tamang edukasyon.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

First Month Done!

——posting later than expected; written March 1, 2022

I can’t believe it myself; I’ve been in Sweden for over a month now! (1 month and 8 days to be exact!). I feel like this journey just begun and yet, here I am, already getting used to my new life.

I feel like I am now an expert commuter on the SL line (also outside of Stockholm, Uppsala for example), also already being able to pick up Swedish words with slight ease (the accent still throws me off from time to time but I know I’ll get better) and most importantly, I think I am adjusting well with the culture and the weather.


(So sorry for the formatting of this blog. I will fix it as soon as I get a laptop. For now, just be patient with me, especially the desktop users!)

I’ve arrived the day after it just snowed. Honestly, when I saw it outside the plane window (window seat and the whole aisle just for myself), I was so thrilled to see everything covered by it. I immediately touched it once I successfully got out of the airport (after a tricky immigration checking — more of this on another blog).

Of course, I’ve expected it to be cold in Scandinavia but arriving when the temperature is at -2 C, when you are from a country with a semi permanent 28-35C, I was not prepared from this cold. It was really difficult to sleep on the first nights because it was just too cold for me but later on it gets better. So funny that’s I’ve always sleep with my blanket over my head because I am having headaches with the cold.

The highest temperature so far that I’ve experienced in here is -7C. That was when we’re kinda having a snow storm or something. It was very windy and the snow kept on falling all throughout the night and the morning the day after.


Since I’ve been watching a lot of H3 podcast with the Swedish Love on it, I’ve been really curious with this donner/shawarma pizza that he keeps on talking about. I haven’t gotten one so far here in Stockholm (he’s from Jonköping and is 4hrs away from my place) but that’s not because of lack of trying. I will of course make a post of it once I’ve tried one because I really want to taste the hyped up sauce.

So far, I’ve only tasted their cinnamon roll (I think it’s called bullefika or something) and the famous Swedish meatball with the lingonberry jam. I will not say anything about these dishes other than it’s okay. Really haven’t been exposed that much to Swedish dishes anyway since my host family is half Asian and we usually eat a lot of Thai and Viet dishes


I’ve been going on a lot of trips during the weekends and I can honestly say that I’ve visited everything that is FREE and OPEN during the winter time in Stockholm City. I have a list of places to visit but most of them are pretty and manageable after winter so there’s nothing for me to see anymore. Kinda bored already, if I am being honest. That’s why I’m just trying to spend my time in my own city and explore the surroundings. Also got my library card so I would be spending a lot of time in the city library, trust me!

There are a lot to mention in the places I’ve visited so I think I will just make a blog just for it. I would love to share the photos of the places I’ve seen. Not the best photographer though so bear with me.


Bus? Train? Tram? Sweden has it all. They also have multiple ferry lines that you could ride with your SL tix.

Commuting here is very easy and it’s manageable and/or simple even for a tourist. If you can read, you will not get lost in here. 

Also, another useful app is your Google Maps or Maps on your iPhone. I’m using the latter one and it tells you which buses to take with the right platform, which trains to take and even the options on how to reach your destination.


(written in Filipino because you know why already)

Wala naman akong mako-complain kung di sana may katahimikan o personal space ako. May kwarto naman ako pero open din siya sa mga bata. Alam mo yun? Imbis na makatulog ako ng maayos sa weekends na off ko, need ko pa lumabas talaga para wala akong istorbo. Otherwise, lalapit ng lalapit sa akin yung mga bata. Hindi naman sa ayaw ko yun pero pahinga ko sana yun eh. Kaso ayon, yung pahinga na yun, naggagala pa tuloy ako.

Yung mga alaga ko, 4 at 2 years old sila. Lalaki yung panganay na sobrang spoiled. Minsan ang sarap kutusan pero hindi ko naman anak so okay lang. Di naman ulo ko ang sasakit kapag nagkataon. Yung babae naman, sobrang cute. Grabe. Ang dami na naming picture sa phone sa sobrang cute. Nga lang pakarga ng pakarga kaya masakit din yung likod ko minsan.

Yung mga magulang naman, okay lang din. Pare-parehas kaming medyo mahilig sa personal space kaya chill lang talaga sa bahay. Kanya-kanyang trip, di nagpapansinan minsan. Pero okay lang yun sa akin. Haha. Natatawa lang ako minsan kapag di ako sinasama na bilhan ng coke kapag kakain kami. Kala nila maiinggit ako kapag tinatago nila. In a way, tinutulungan pa nila ako kasi sila lang ang tataba at di ako kasama. Char.

Sa bahay, may Asian. Viet yung nanay kaya may kanin kami. Although ang tagal ko na na di talaga nagra-rice, feels like home pa rin. Ka-stress lang din minsan kasi hilig magluto ni nanay ng Thailandish cuisine. Lagi kami yung ginatan na chicken. Hahaha. Inoorder din sa labas ganun or pad thai. Stress. Lol. 

Si nanay rin yung medyo bida-bida sa mag-asawa. Di papatalo yan sa kwentuhan kaya ako, oo lang ng oo minsan.

Sa bahay naman, wala naman talaga akong masyadong ginagawa. Yung basic lang na linis. Mga gagawin ko rin sa nirerentahan kong kwarto sa Maynila. Linis ng buong bahay, bintana, laba ng damit, ayos ng higaan, imis, hugas tapos linis ng cr. Parang nagbabahay-bahayan lang ako. Easy mode on nga lang kasi lahat high tech na. Madali lahat. May dishwasher, washing machine at vacuum naman. 

Tapos sa pag-aalaga naman ng bata, ang pinaka-easiest tip talaga ay dapat gusto mo ginagawa mo. Otherwise, mahihirapan ka kasi need ng patience, tatag at lakas ng loob at syempre yung love ba. Sa pagiging au pair ko lang na-realize na di pa ako ready na maging nanay. Kaloka, ilang beses ko na sinasama sa pag-ihi yung bunso kasi umiiyak kapag pumapasok ako sa cr. Haha. Kaloka. Yung panganay tinatanong pa ako kung bakit sya bawal sa loob. Dapat daw lahat kami nandun. Omg. Haha


In my city? No other au pairs. I have to freaking travel to Stockholm to meet up with friends and I am honestly tired of it. It’s also very expensive, trust me (even when I’m not the one paying for my commuter card in here). I am also getting really sick of riding the train. It’s so nauseous. Anyway, going back…

I haven’t met any Filipinos in here so far by chance. Since I am also a very private person, using Facebook for it is defo not a welcome option for me. I hate it when people add me on there. Although that’s the case, of course, if worst comes to worst, I might just use it even if I am so freaking annoyed with it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Finally in Sweden!

 This is an unusual post for me since I don’t have a laptop at the moment and I’m only using my phone.

So glad to say that I am in Sweden now after my quarantine because I unlucky got covid before my first scheduled flight. Already almost a week, 

More updates soon.