Thursday, November 12, 2020

[Notes] Petroleum Geology Part 5


- Internal friction of fluid


- light (paraffinic oils)

- brown to black (asphalt base oil)

*Apologies again. My notes are terrible. Haha

Carbonate Reservoirs

*Limestone and dolomite

* 40% world oil reserves (as of 2017, but you can check)

*30% world gas reserves (as of 2017, but you can check)

(all other in sandstone reservoirs)

- shallow, tropical, marine waters
- saturated w/ CaCO3
- Factors controlling carbonate sedimentation
    *water movement
-begins as skeletal assemblage

Non-skeletal components of carbonate reservoir rocks
* lime muds
* coated grains
* fecal pellets
* lumps
* detrital grains

Carbonate Rock Classification
* Boundstone - components were bound together
* Grainstone - lacks mud; grain supported
* Packstone - grains supported
* Wackestone - more than 10% grains
* Mudstone - less than 10% grains

Carbonate depositional model
1. Carbonate shelf model - commonest, very shallow
2. Carbonate ramp model - no prominent break in slope; much less common
3. Carbonate shelf model - thru time

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