Monday, November 9, 2020

[Notes] Petroleum Geology Part 2

 Porosity = (bulk volume - grain volume)/bulk volume x 100

Range of Porosity in %

  1. 0-5 - negligible
  2. 5-10 - poor
  3. 10-15 - fair
  4. 15-20 - good
  5. 20+ - very good
Nature of Porosity

1. Primary
- rock possesses this at the end of its depositional phase
- void of unaltered, fractured or dissolved grains
- depends on:
        * degree of uniformity
        * shapes of grains
        * packing
        * effects of compaction, during and after deposition

2. Secondary
- additional void space due to post-depositional or diagenetic processes

Rock samples
1. Sandstones - compaction, contact-solution and redeposition and to cementation
2. Carbonates - modification by solution, recrystallization, fracturing and cementation

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